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3 2044
10 044 170
Darvar& CoUede XiOrars
ANDREW Preston Peabody
Digitized by
Ho. 7
John Gyles
Memoirs of Odd AdTentures.
Boston, 1736
Copies located:
Boston Public Library
John Carter Brown Library
Harvard College Library
Massachusetts Historical Society
Newberry Library
One copy in private hands
[Copies in HCL and MBS are defective]
From the original
in the
Massachusetts Historical Society,
the first few pages having been
photostated from the privately
owned copy.
April, 1936
Digitized by
Digitized by
Strange Deliverances, e^^v
In th« Captivity of %
0)mmander of the Garrifon on St, George's Uhter*
Written by Himfelf
P^TMful Tuurb ! but kuow. rbs Vowfir above
With eafe can fsvi $Mcb ObyS cf his Love ;
Wide as bis tVill, txtenis kis bounilefs Grace
Nler/iojl by Time^ nor circumfcriVd by 'PlMe.
.ttappter bis Ldf wbo many forro^ws paji,
L^fnghVring^ains bis natal Sbor^at loft ;
Tbnn tnbo tofj^edw baftes te end Ibss Life
9y fme Stern lii{jJEi#,— ^
Horpff*! OJ)ir,
■4^—— ^' 1 1 III ■>
BO sro N^Xtx KB.
Prioted and .Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Greeh^ iq Q)ieia*iMe€ty
over againft the Fxifon. Mdccxxxvi.
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kmx^vm i^fcSTOH f>F«MVffr
4: #
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1^ 1
Bnj^mi»t$ Jn tbn ^att^nd f^r this EnJibey ba^c UlJ kf mi (of fJ* ff,
bMd a vituij I p4sprfsdf,r « /«- ibi pStfhck : inhLy d,.
firtug </ mi n ixttaa Partuuhrsfrem tbt,c», which tbi mulupUaty ani .
tb<,r Pumcmi*.. lbav< nude /can*a0, Addition /* m Mae J, lZ *W
ap^tn tbt asptir »/ Creiture*, wbiih I was wtU tc kavi madt «m* %^¥
!^rgtr$ and mi^bt bam greatif t«iarged, but I ftartd it wMld trm h^ '
th,fU,wi„g Story a»ia fmsfa^^oH which thnr Ppfttritf might jufth .
0Mpta fr»m mf^ I Jbill giv4 /am, Account, tb,' as bri^ \u pJibU. ^ f^
rb, fi^^flJblngStm ofNtw ENotAND (fe/.r* th, uuhsppy EaflifttKL,
R J2 t7^p7 '^"^Z^;*"'' ^^^' ^'^ *"''""« *« « Kcnnelvtcjf f" j
tur» 1 1, England, I*/,/;/, bit Affjirt. This d\ttt f //< ««. *«r t/i* j/> '
Digitized by
P^? n.
Bafiirn IncJiam bad h^(n ibur HoSiUftH. H^tt^ifttjfj^i^nsSitiU^
iuif^t t^n Long- llbnd. tbi Jir tfj^gi Hac0 net f$ wm" aftniffg mifb
hn Cifuftnutism^ and ib§ IndiaM Mif piMceabhj k$ agaru pr^'f$kt§ r^*
fitiii bis Lands in Merry-mectiDg-Bay r hut finding that Plac$ d$f$fUd^
and tbaf Plant&ticns wen carriid $n at rcmmaquid i bi purcbaf$d/ivirat
Sra^s of Land of $b$ Inbabitants tb$r$. Upon bis Higbmfs tb$ Dnkt^
York's n/umifig a Claim to tb&ft Piirts^ ho alfi took.^Mt Paunt^^jSm
^ tbat Qaim* 4l^d ii;£#iFemm>q4i4 «Pi>V ^jH^^ V^am$af $k$}0lntff
if Comw§Tinfbi Promnco of Neil-VbiJc, ^# was (JhnmiJfton$$ffqi^
Jajtim ofibo fmni^ by Gowm&ur DvncaH. H$ was a ftri^ Sabbaiisdff^
and mot witb confidirabU Difficuliios in tb$ Di/ibargo if his OfficSy from
tbo Immi^ratitiiM of a Pooph who bad long livid Lawlf/s. H$ laid ont no
inc&n/idifabh Incom^bicb be bad annually from Eoglaod af tb$ Placo^
and at hjijofi kiajutfo tben^ as boroafiir r$latsd» ^ ^ .-. . . ^
, t am not infenfibU fftbi firutb of an jljfortion of Sir RoMrX^&ftiii^
jIHt ** Books and Dtjba bavo this common Fats ; tboro 7r#^ was^ aty
am ff oifher of tbsm^ that pUa/id all Palatos? t^^aip fully H bis
Opinion, in tbtsj ** // is as link to ho wijhod ft^ as oxpsdo^i fl^ ^^
^* Umvor/al Jpplaufo is at Isafi two thirds of a Scandal. '•^' . *
& ¥m
Cktapo/Hion prfncf^
fJUfd hf tako
vtand Wikomt^ But ht bim fi^try this
\ That hels a very )taoitii|(iQerIy O^IL
rhii preflci upoa another Man's Tablei and loeDXi>parr€ft^w^b pv
i^Mfi ianthdi whh tbo KnigU, *^ JT^p* / mado this uompomon pr^ncs^
paHyfor my Family — Toty if any Man ha$ 'a\ Jffuia h' tako tjff
frn hav^and^wolcomt^ Bttt ht bim fohy tbisQmm
•• with me^ bo bas frn havf
•* fidorathnjthng witb bim
•'5 J
Digitized by
Of 6dd Adfemufeftnid Signal Ddiytfaoices
....... la tbr Ccpcivky ^ " > < -.
! :7^i&» Gyhs, Efq;
C H A 1^ It** r^ ^
CntUfUtutg the Oectarenttt tifthefi^ Tfor,
Cbrip 1689, iti the MornhiKyinyOrthetalb;
hoMored Father fbpm^t ^/M,*f ^■»%<»'
Erqfwcpt with fome L«bour«r«,5^'-^-'*'»
my two Elder Brotbtrt and my
feir, to otic of bit iumt^ which
I*y on the River about threeMlljca
above Fert-OfgrUi ft adjoii^of
to Ptmmaquid VHtlU ; tbero tpga-
iher to his fingliih Hiwe^ «94
laboured 1 ecu rely tUlKio^ ;^t
after we had Dined, oar People went to tDtULabonriibme
io one Field to their Eoglifli Hay, the othen to tnothec
|r«ftoo4MtlM8fOt where JImMMIi- At ww; nef long fince,
k Hm. (M. DvMAa s Th« Tonitftip adiouune thereto wn
ctB^ Jmmftmm, i» bMMor to the Doite oF }Mi In thuTown with.
^^^V!^t^*^^ ^^^^^"^^ Dwelling Hoa(eof?l6MMi
<^,B% fiwiwbdiba went out that ankam Morning.
r B UleM
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Field of Englifh Corn, txctpt my Father, the yflungeft of
Jiiy two2^othcr| iriC'Inijr Telf^ who tAfried ocir totheFirm*
Hoitfe in Which wc had Dincd^ till ibootOne o( theCIoclTi
wh?n we heard the Report of feveril Great Guot from the
Fort. *Upoo the hearing of ihem my Fathei faW, that he
hopM it was a Stgnil of good News, aod that the Great
Council bad Tent back the Soldieii, co cpyer IbeiobabU
taoca : & oo Report of ihc Kavoliitioo ibify bad dcfertcd :
^ut to ourgreat Surpriat aboot Thirty or Forty lodiana dUV
charged a.^llay of Shot nt ns/rom bebiodarifing Crowd
near oor Baro. * The Telling of the Indiana^tbe Wblftling
of their Shot, and the Voict of my Father, whom I heard
cry out. What now 1 What now 1 fo terrified roe ^ tho'
bp feem'd to bi handling a Gpq,' that I endeavoured to
make my Efcape. My Brother ran one way and I ano*
"^{ber ; and looking over my Shoulder, I fawa flout Fellow^
painted, purfutng me with a Gun i and a Curtl^ft glitter*
ing in bia Hand, wfiich^ expede4 every Moment in my
Brains : I prefently jkll down, and the Indian took me by
the Left Hind, omred me no abufe, but feized my Arms,
Jife rne up, and pointed to the Place where the People were
at Work about the Hay ; and lead me that way. As we
pafled, we crofled my Father, who looked very paie and
bloody, and walked very flowjy. When we came to the
Place, I faw two Men mot down on the Flattf, and one or
two more knockVloo tbe Head with Hatcbetaj, crying our,
O Lord, Sec i there the Indiana brought two Captlve^ont
^tn, and mvBrother 7^0^^» he that endeavoured to efcape
'by running from the Houfe, when I did f. After they
had done what Mifchief they coujd, fat down, making ui
fit with them : and after fome time arofe, pointing to us
to go Eaftward. They march'd about a quarter of a Mile
and then made a Halt, and brought roy Father to ui : and
made Propofals to him by old Afoxa/, who told him that
* The Indians hsTe a Cuftom of uttering a molt horrid Howl, when tbey
difcharge Guns,dcfigninf( thereby co terrify thofe whom they fi^ht antnA
t He wat about Fourteen Yean or Age. The eldeft Brother wDole Name
was 7'lotfiss, wonderfully e(caped bvLand ro chea«ri4r4«(aPoinr of Land
ontheWcft Side of rhe River oppofice to the Porty)wbere farcralFifhing
Vcflels lay^ he got oo board ode of tbcm aod came to Sail that Might.
Digitized by
they were ftnnge India oi who 0)Ot hirrii $nA th^t he wai
fcKfy for it : My Father rfplicd| tl^che was a rIylngMjin,
irtd wanted no Favour of them, but to Pray With hia
CbUdren i which being granted, he recommended gstothe
pforcaion and BIcffing of COD Almighty ; then gave ui
the beft Advice, and took hts leave for this Life, hrpingin
COD that we ihould meet in a better. He parted witli a
chearful Voice, but looked very pale by rcafonof hi«g»eac
lofi of Blood, which boil'd out of hii Shoes >-- the Indi-
ani lead him afide— !— I heard the blowj ofthcHauher,
but neither Shriek nor Groan I [ t afterwards heard that
he had five or ftven Shot-hotei, thfo* hii Waftecoat or
Jacket^and that theladiant covered him with fome Boughs }
The Indiani lead us their CaptiveijOntheEaflfidcofthe S^cr. !L
River, toward the Fort ; and when we came within a Mtlcof tli^ir m^
and half of the Fort and Town, ami could fee the Fort^ wcl^^'^g^"**-
faw Firing & Smoke on all fides : Here we made a ^^^t^^J^j p^^"***
liftancc of
k Swamp. -.*of Mn
ilop, and then we moved within or near the di
three qunrters of a Mile from the Foit^ into a thlc
There t fiw n»y Mother and my two tittle Sifters,ai)d many ^y^^'* PJ*^'"
other Captives taken from ihc Town. My Mother askM|>^'''P^'™**'
me of my F-iihcr, I told her, that he was Kill'd, but could
fay no more for Grief ; fhe buril into Tears, and the Indi-
ans moved me a little further ofT, anil teiz*d me to aTree«
The Indians came to Ncw^Harhur^ and fent Spies ^ ^^^
feveral Days to obfervc how and where the People wcreTo^n »mt
employed tkc who found that the Men were gcucraliy atl'o'^ i^» b«'
\Vofk at Nooff, and left about their Houfcs only Women "^^'''
,ind Children : therefore the Indians divided thcnifclvct
into feveral Parties, fome Ambufhiog theWay between the
Fort and the Houfes, as likewife between them and the
diftant Fields ; and then alarming the fartheftoflffirilytlicy
killed and took the People, as they tnoved toward thcTowr^
aod Fort, at their Pleafure $ fo chat very few efcaped to
the Fort. Mr. Pate/ball was taken and klll'd as he hy
with his Sloop near the Barbican. On the firft ftir about
the Fort my youngeft Brother was at Play near the lame,
and ran in,and fo by God's Goodnefs was preferved. Cip%
Wums with great Courage Sc Refolution defended the wcnk
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Sect- Til
porcitton of
the Captivci
to Pfvphfrt^t
the iiearcil
Indian - Vil-
lage Eaft-
ward of Prw-
old Fort two Diyif till that he wti much Woonded lod the
befl of hit Men Kill*d| and then neat up a Farley. Aod
the Conditions werr^
I. That tbey^ the Indlaoi fliould give him Mr.?^/(/Erir//'f
a That thef fliould not moled him in carrying off ihe
few People that had got into the Fort, and three Captivei
that they had taken.
3 That the finglifli (hould carry off in their Handf what
they could from the Fort
On there Conditions the Fort was Surrendred, and Capt
Wamt went off And loon after the Indians fet on Fire the
Fort & Houfes : which made a terrible Blaft, and was a me-
lancholly Sight to us poorCaptlves^who were fad Spedatori !
After the Indians had thus laid Wafte Pemmaqui J ^-xhty
moved us all to New-Harhar *. And when we turned ouc
Bicks on the Town my Heart was ready to break !•— I faw
my Mother ^ flie fpake to me, but I could not anfwerher !
That Night we tarried at New-Harbour^ and the next Day
went in their CanocifovPgnob/hot. About Noon^theCanoe
which my Mother, and that which I was in, came fide by
fide : whether accidental or by my Mother's defirr,! can-
not fay. She aiked me,How I did ? I think I fa id. Pretty
well, (tho' my Heart was full of Grief). Thenflieraid,0,
my Child i how joyful & pleafant would it be, if we were
going to Old Efiiland^ to fee your Uncle Cbalktr^^nd other
Friends there ? —Poor Babe ! we are going into the Wil*
dernefs, the Lord knows where ! — She buril into Tears,
and the Canoes parted ! That Night following the Indians
with theirCaptives lodged on anifland. A few days after,
we arrived at P$nohfcot-Fyrt ; where I again faw my Mo-
ther, my Brother and Sifters, and many other Captives. I
think, we tarried here eight Days : and in that time the
Jefuit had a great mind to buy me. My Indian Mafter
^ New Harbnif is about two Miles £aft of PemmsuiMid^ a fmall Hail>our,
much ufed by Fifhcrmcn. Before the War there were about twelve
Houfcf, but the rumour of War, diTpoTcd them to Iccure thcmfclves,
by Torfaking their Habitations.
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< J )
miJ^ A Vific to the Tefutir^ and cjrried me with him f., I
law the Jcfiiit flicw him Piccciof Gold^ and underrtood'af*
tcrwirdV that he tendered rhcm for me. The Jeruit gave
me a BUket, which I put into my Poekct, and date noc
C4C i buc buried it under a Log, Tearirtg that he had pot
fomeihing in it to mike me Love him : tor I wta very ^
Ygung, and had heard much of the Papifta torhtring th«
PfoteUaott &c/fo that I haicd the fight of ajcfair. When
my Mother heard the calk of my being Sold to a Jcfait,
(he faid to me^ Oh I my dear Child 1 if It were OODV
Will, 1 had rather follow you to your Crave! or never fe«
you more in this World, than you (hould be Sold to a Jcfait T
for ajcfuit will fuln*jou Body &Soul! and it pIcafedGOD
to grant lierRequellJar flie never law nic more ! [Tho' fhe
and my two little SiftenwerCi after feveral TearsCaptivicy
redeem^ i <he died before I returned : And my Brother
mtfo waa taken with me, waa after feveral YearsCaptivity
moid barbarouHy tortured to Death^by the Indians]. For
My liKtian MaOor carr4e4 me up PiMohfcot Kivit to • Sect. IV.
WWngt cwMtd Madawamhi : whicn (lands on a Point of OftheOccur-
Land, between the Main River, and a Branch which heada »'^]JPJ« *°i^^y
to the £aft of it At Home 1 had ever fecnStrangera treat- 5v/ffi^#i "^to*
ed with the utmoft Civility, and being a Stranger^ I ex- St. y^bn't.
pe Aed fome kind Treatment here : but foon found my ft If where the
deceived, for I prefently faw a Number of Squawa got to- ^dbe hSvc
gether in a Circle dancing and yelling ; and an old gri- theirRende»-
mace-Squaw took me by the Hand, and lead me to the vout.
Ring, where the other Squaws feiz d me by the Hair of
my Head, and by my Hands and Feet, like fo many Furies:
but my Indian Matter prefently laid down a Pledge and
released me. A Captive among the Indians is expofed to ^Jjj^JJf ^or.
all manner of Abufe, and to the utmoft Tortures j unlefs Jl^I^^g c^p'
his Matter, or fome of his Matter's Relations, lay down a tim, and of
Ranfom, fuch ms a Bag of Corn, or a Blanket, or foch redeeming
like : by which they may redeem them from theirCruelties J^f^,. °^^
for that Daoce, fo that he fliall not be touched by any. ces.
t The Indian that takes and will keep a Captive is accounted hu Mafter,
and the Capdve bis Property till be rive or fell him to another.
C The
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'( « )'•
The next Day wc went dp that EaflernBr^nch ofPn^hfl
M Kivif mitiy Lcifuci,— -carried over Land to a lail^gt
Pond, and from one Pond to another, iij]^ in a few IHfi
we weat down a River I), which venci ic felf into5]r.?^li>jl-'|
BJvit. But before we came to the Mouth of thii EKrer^
we carried over a long Carrying-Place i to Midi^ack^thH'p
which itandj on a Back of St, John's Rivir Mv Indian
Mailer weot before^ and left me with an old Innlin and
two or three Squaws. The OtdMan oAen fatd^(wtilch Uraa
til the EngHfii that he could fpcakj) Sj and /?>— c^i t§ 4
gria$ f&wn md F»rt : fo that I comforted my feffW thinks
Ing how finely I Oiould be refrefised &c. when 1 came to
this great Town.
After Tome Mites travel we came In fight of a large Corn-
Of myTreaf- Fields and foon after of the Pott, to my great Surprirc :
TrdvAi T/ ^^^ *^° ^' ^^^^^ Squaws met ujjtookofTmy Pack, and lead
uldjf4d *on ^^ ^0 a large Huit or Wigwam, where Thirty or Forty
Stphpi'iRi' Indians were dancing ^and yelling round five or fix poor
^'▼' Captives, who had been taken fome Months before rrom
^^cbnbc^ at the fame time when Mijor Watdiin waf
moli barbaroufly butchered by them * 1 was wblrl'd iri
• among
II MtJkth^uk Rhtn.
^ A Csrr7t«g*Pl«ce u a Path or Tnxk in which rheir oaTt from oaeRiver^
or part ot a River or Pond to another : 'tit (b called, oeca^ fhe Indians
arc obliffed to carry their Baggage over there.
'^ Major ti^MMn was taken in the beginning of jiprH on the Might after a
Sabbath. I have heard the Indians (ayat aFcafti that t her* being a
Trace for (bme Days, they contriv'd to fend in two Squawa to take No-
tice of the Numbers, Lodgings and other Grcumllances of the People
in his Garriibn, and if thev could obtain leave to Lodge thercy to open
rhe Oates and Whiftle. [ They faid the Gates had 00 Locks, but were
faftned with Pins, and that they kept no Watch there 1 The Squaws
had a favourable Sealbn to prosecute their Proje^on, for it was dull
Weather when they camcy and besg'd leave to Lodge in the Garriibn :
rhey told the Major that a great Number of Indians were not fiu* from
them, wich confiderable Qaanticies of Beaver, who would Trade with
him th: next Day &c. Some of the People were very much againft
their Lodging in the Qarrifbn, but the Major faid, Let the poor Crea^
turcs Lodee bv the Fire ! The Squaws went into every Apartment, and ^
obferved the Numbers in each, and when the People were all afleep,'
rofc and opened the GaceS| and gave the Signstlj and the other Indians
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gmong cbcfUf tod irif lookVI on rich other with a for row ful
Countentoct : in^preftntl^ one of ihtttt was fcIzM by
ekch Hiod 8c Fo6t, by-foar IndUnf, who fwung him up
god lee blrBickwiih Force fill on che htrd Ground, ^itl
tNy hid danced (ti they ctll it) round the whot« W'^g* TfRir mtn^
wamy which wti thirty or forty Pect in length. But '^^^ F* ***^'
when they tortor* • Bof, they take him up between two* *^^^"'S^P'
Thii is one of their Oiftonii of torturing Ciptivei. Ano-
ther ii to tike op a Perlbn by the middle with hit Head
downwardly and iolt him roond 'ci]l one would th*«^k lu4
Bowels would Atke oot of hii Mouth* Sometimes they
will tike a Ciptive by the Hair of the Bead and Aimp him
forward^ and ftrikebim on the Back 5c Shoulder, Wll the
Blood gu(h out of hif Mouth & Nofe. Somerimci an old
Ihrivcll^d Squaw will tike |^pa Shovel of hoe Embers and
throw them into a Captive's Bofom ; and if he cry out,the
other Indians willLaogh and Shour,and fay, What a brave
Aft ion our old Grandmother has done ! Somctimei they
torture them with Whips &c.
The Indians looked on' me with a fierce Countenantc,
fignifying that it would be my turn next They champM
Com-Stalks, and threw them in my Hat, which wai in
my Hand : I fmiled on them^ tho' my Heart ak'd. I
looked on one and another, but could not perceive that any
Bye pitied me : Prefently came a Squaw and a little Girf^
came to them, and having reeeiv*d an Account of the State of the
Garrifon, they divided according to the Number of People in each A*
panfmem, and (bon took and IcillM them all. The Major lodged wirhiii
an inner Room, and when the Indians broke in upon htm, he cried
our, What now ! What now I jumpt out of Bed in his 8hht, and drave
them out irith bis Sword thro* two or three Doors : and as he was re*
turning to hii Apartment, an Indian came bebindhim, and koock'd him
on the Head wicti his Hatchet,ftun'd htm, and hai'd htm out, and fet him
upon a long Table fai hb Hall, and bid him. Judge Indians again. Then
they cut and ftab*d him, and he cry'd out, O Lord ! O Lord ! - They
bid him^ order hu Book of Accompts to be brought, and crofs out all
die Indian Debts (for he had traded much uich the Indians) and after
tbev had tortured him to Death, they burned the Garrifon and drew oft*.
A This Narration I heard from their Mouths at a general Meeting ; and
'^ have Reafon to think it mie. And it ihould be a Warning to allPerfons
who have the Care of Garrilbni : For the greated Loflei we meet with
arc fi>r want of doc Caution and Qrcumfpe^ca
I- '*
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ind hU\ ilawn i Big of Com in the Ring ; tb# liltlc.Gid
toi>k inc by rhe Hind, miking Signs for tnc to go oift of
the Circle wiih ehem : but nm ksiowlng their CuAoint 1
fupp^fed thAc they dciigncd co kill mc, and would not go
C1UC with ihem. Then a grave Indian cimc and g«v« IM.
a fhnrc Pipe^ arid faid, in £ngli(h» Smcke ic : ihMi(m)|(mc
by the Hand and lead me out^ but noy Heart aktdjthlok^
Ing my te If near my End ; but he ctrricd me to a French
Hutt abaut a Mile tfom the Indian Fort ThrFraiocliman
wm not at Home ^ but his Wife who was a Sqo«iir had
fame Difcouffe with my Indian Friend^ nhich I did QQ%
under (land* We tarried about two Hours, and rf turn M to
the ViJlflgej where ihcy gave mefomeViiaudls. Not long
afcer, I law one of my Fellow* dipt ivcf, who gave me a mc««
laucholly Account of their Su^t^riugs^after 1 left them 6CC
Sect. VI. After fome Weeks bad pad we left the Village, and wem
' up St. Jobn't River about ten Miles to a Branch called Ak^
deckfctnecafis^ where there was one Wigwam. Ac ow
Arrival an old Squavir faluted me with a jtW\ taking me by
the Hair and one Hand ; but I was fo rude as to break her
hold, and *quir my felf : *— She gave me a filtbyGrin9and
the Indians fet up a Laugh-— fo it pafiM over. Here we
lived upon Fifti, Wild* Grapes, Roots See which was bard
Living to me.
The firft
When the Winter came on, we went up the River till the
Ice came down, and run thick in the River ; and then,ac*
cording to the Indian Cuftom, laid up our Canoes till the
Spring ^ and then travellM fometimes on the Ice, & fome*
times on the Land, till we came to a River that was open
and not Fordable, where we made a Rafr, and pafs'd over
Bag and Baggage^. I met with oo Abufe from them in
this Winter's Hunting, tho' I was puttogreatHardfliipiin
carrying Burdens, and for want of Food : for they under-
went the fame Difficulty, and would often encourage me.
* For the Indians carry their Houfe and Houihold Scuff oo their Backi in
the Winter, and to thefe they add, io the Summeri their Veflels and
Ftirniturei Pro?i(ions &c.
Digitized by
Ay ing,ia bimUkBnglth^By^h^^gnat diflMp^. Buc they,
CGtild not mfwMi an^ Qucftioa cbac 1 aikea tbttn. So tha&
kaowipg aothtog ot their Cuftomi aod way of Life; thp*
1 tho'c ic retlioua to b« conftanttj^ moving from Place to
Flico, yet it might be in fome sLipt&$ an Advaoiigc : foc^,
if ran Aill in my Miad that we were travelliog coTomcScc^,
tlecncfit ; and when my Burden wai over heavy, and the
lodiint left me behind, and the ft ill Eviuing cane on ^ I ,
fancied I could fM tbro' ihe BuOi€i> «o4 bear the People ,
of hme gf^A^ Town : which Hope might be fomc fupport
to me in the Bay, tho' I found not the Town at Nighrt
Thu> we have been Hunting three hundred Mileifrom the
Sea and knew no Man within fifty or fixty Mites of us,
We were eight or ten in Number, and had but two IndUa^
Men with Gunii on whom we wholly depended for Pood l^
and if any difafter had hap^ned, we mu(t all havepenihecf*
And fometimes we had no manner of Suflcnance for three
or four Days : But GOD wonderfully provides for all
Creatura ! In one of thofe Fads GOD's Providence was
remtfkable- Our two Indian Men^ in Hunting, darted a
Moafe *, their l>einga (ballow-CfufledSnow on thcGroundf
but the Moofe dilcovered them, and ran with great force
into a Swamp i The Indians went round the Swamp, and
finding no Traft, returned at Night to the Wigwam, and
told what had happened. The nent Morning they followed
him on the Track, and foon found the Moole tying on the
Snow J for cro0ifig the Roots of a large Tree, that had
been blown tip by the Roota, having Ice underneath, the
Moofe in hit forioui Flight broke throV and hitch'd one of
fall hind Legs in among the Roots, fo fail that by llrivtng
♦ A Moofc U a fine lofty Creature about eight Feet JiigH, with t longHeadi
Mnd Kofc like i Horfc : wtth Homi very fargc and ftrong [ Some of
rhem are above ^k Feet, froin the EKtremit^p of one Horn to ihat of th«
oihcr] fliifed and Oied every Year like the Homi of a Deer; Ukeuijk
chctr Feet are cloven like DeenFeet, Their hind Lcgi ate long and
fore Le^fliort like a Rabbit. They refcmble a Rabbit alfo tn the length
of their Kart and fhof tncfs of ihcirTjil; The FcmaEe have two Dugt
like a Mare^ tho* thev fometimcs bring three )oyng Ones, tr a Foaling?
they ToaI but once a Year* and at one Scaf n, ^tf^.When che Treejput
out Leavt»j far tbcm, There irc a foil of Moofc iliac bivc a M^tn Jike
a Horfe.
M 10
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(10 )
CO $et it ottt^ be puU/d the Thigh Boot oot of the Socket
It the Hip : Tboi ^trpordioarilr were we prorided H€
In our great Strait * SometUnet tbey Would take- ii Beor^
which go idto Delii io the Fail of the Ttfar with^ iHf ibri
of Food, and tk ^^^ without toy frar or#re IMmb^iie^
ver going oot tfll the Spting of the Tear : hi whieh Tl«^
they oeitber lofe nor gahi mfHelh ^ If they Weht hitb dieit
Dfem Fat, they wttl come but fo, or if they went In Letii;
triey will come oat Lean. I have fteo fome that have oo*)o'
oat, with four Whelpi, and both Old tt Young very' fin fj
and then we feal^ed : and an old Squaw, and' Ci4>t>vr, it
mny prefeptJ^fnoft AuAd without tfafe Wigwam,* fliakirigtheiv
Handf and Body ai in a Dance : and finging, W^oaov
Oh NfiLo woH I which if Bnglifhed woold l)e, A^ ts n^
Batiffi. Thfi ii to iignify their thankffahieft in featin^'
Times ! and when this wti fptnt, we fafted tW Airitief'
Siicccfs. I . . •• .
The way of their preferring Meat ft by ftr)ppln|| df thtf
]^e(h from the Booet, and dtying ttirro overaSrtioke } by
which \\% kept ft>and Monthi or Y^art, without Sain ^
We moved fHHA fbrther up tlteCoantry after Mooft wImh
our Store was out : To that by the Spring we had got to*
the Northward of the L^ijrJwm/iifM. And when tlio'
Sj^ring came on and the Rivers broke up, we moved t>adi
a » the Head of St.-JpbMU RJvir ^ and there made Canoea
of Moofe* Hides fewtng tbrao or four together, end pitch*
5og the Seams with Charcoal beaten and mixt with BaKboK
Then we went down the River to a Place called Madawe/^
€ok ) there an Old Man lived and kept a fort of Trading*
Hoiife : where we urried feverjil Days, and went farther
do>vn the River till we came to the greateft Falls in thefe
Parts, called Cbicamhpiai : where we carried a little way
over the Land, and putting off our Canoes, we went down
Scream ftill : And as we pafs'd down by the Mouth of any
]aige Branches, we faw Indians r but when any Dance
} 6iiilltm in hu Heraldry mentions it as the Opinion of feme NataralMs^
chat rhey bring forth an Unfoim'd Embryo, and lick their Utter inta
Shape : •. a grrfi Miftike ! 1 have feen their Foetus of all Siiet,takta
out of the M*irriK, by the Indiansi and tbey are fts much^ and as well
Sha£*d ai Che Young of any AoiouL
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WM propoTc^i I wai bon$hc oft. jLt length ^e arrived ac
tha riaca.wbera we left our Birch CaQocf lo tb«, ij^all^nd
p«io0r Baigafa intotlbafn, and weat'49'Uiea9 ,'dovo to
thiFpo*- .
• • • , .. < I . ;
Then w« pUnfad.Coca'i m4 *f««r l^laotiog, weot « StcT.VIll
Flfliioc. find U> look for and dig Root* ) t\\\ the Corn w«> or the mm-
fii 10 Weed : end efter Weeding tjofc • ftcood Tour 0.1 ^^l;^^
the ftmeErr«ii4f iod rctonj d to Hill our Coro ; and it- i^,w i„ ,hi
ter HtUioff wo went fomc diftioce from the Fprt Cc VicAd Summct.
op the ILlTer, to take Salmon, and other T\fn^ aod dry
them f(«t-Fdbd till Corn was filPd with the Milk ; Some oi
which wo dried then, the other ai it ripened. And whea
we had gathered our G>rn and dried it ||, we put fome into
lodlan Mrns, L e. in Holes in the Groond lin'd&covet'd
w^ch Bark, and then with Dirt. The reft we carried up
the River opon our next Winter-Hunting Thui GOD
wooderfiilly favoured me and carried me through the fiift
Year of my Captivity.
Of the abufive and barbarws Treatment which [ever al
Captives met with from the Indians (s^c.
1|1C1 Hen any great Number of Indiani meet, or when g^^^ j
V \ eny Captives have been lately taken, or when any or mv Bro-
Captives defei t and are retaken, the Indians have a Dance ;rhcr\Tor:uic
and at thefe Dances torture the unhappy People who fall >
into their Hands. My unfortunate Brother who was taken
with me, after about three Years Captivity, deferteJ with
II When rhe Com is in the Milk they gather i lar(;r Kcnlc ^ult and boil ic
on the Ears till iu orecty hard, and then take it up and ihcil it of the
Cobb with Clam-Sheilf, and dry it on Bark in the Sun ; and when iff
thro'ly dryed, a Kernel it no bigger chan a Pea, and would kecp'Ycar<>:
and boil'd agdn it fwelb ti large, and taflea incomparably fwcctcr th:. a
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in tenglifliman who w#& taken from Cffi^^Bfy^ and wai re*
taken by rh« IndilMi ui Nnv^ffatk^rittid ckfYled back to^'
PfMk/ctft Bi^rt r trhere Ithey were both tortured it a fitalM
by Fire for fome tfhtr, tbch their Noftt and Eari weretM
off^ and they made to eat them ^ after Kvhich they mtm
burned to JDeath at the Stake : The Indians at the fame
tfbe dedarin|[ that they voold fetve latl Dtfhittrs 1h the
fifme manner. Ttiu$ they divert thtn&feltei in thtirDAOcet I
Sect. If. Oil tfie fecond 8))rin|f of my Captivity tny IndianMaller
OffhcirBar-iiK) bis SoMW Went to Canada ; but ftnt me down the Ri*-
^Mml JUx. ^^^^>^h ft veral Indians to thePort j in order to planlCorn.
Iwder, fltc "The Day before we tame to the Planting Field we met two ' I
Young Indian Men who feem'd to be hi great faaile : afVer I
they had pafsM us I underftood that they were going with I
ah Expreff to Canada^ and that there was an Bnglifh Veiftl ^
at the Mouth of the River I not perfed in theLanguage,
nor knowing that Englifh Veflels traded with them In time
of War, fuppofed a Peace was concluded on, and that tlie
Captives would be releafed : and was fo tranfported with
the Fancy^that I flept but little^if at all. that. Night. Early
the next Morning we came to the Village, where the Ex-
tafy ended : For I had no foonerLanded, but three or four
Indians drag*d me to the great Wigwam, where they were
yelling and dancing round Jama AUxaad$r^% J^tfey Man,
who was taken from Falmmtb In Cafa§ Bof. Tbia- was oc«
cafioned by two Families of Cip^«Sr^/e Indians, who having
loft feme Friends by a number of Englifh Fifhermen, came
fome hundred of Miles to revenge themfelves on the poor
Captives ! They foon came to me, & tolled me about till I
was almoft breathless, Scthen tl}rew me into the Ring to my
fellow Captive : and took him outagaln^ and repeated their
Barbarities to him. And then I was halM out again by
three Indians, by the Hair of my Head, and held down by
it, till one beat me on the Back & Shoulders fo long that my
Breath was almoft beat out ot my Body. And then others
put a Tomhakc into my Hand, and ordered me get up and
dance and fing Indian : which I performed with the great-
eft reluftancr, and in the k& fccmM refolute to purchafe
myDcath,by killing twoor three of thofeMonfters of Cruelty;
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thinking it Impoffiblc to furvivc their bloody Treatment ;
but ft wai imprefsM on ffiy Mind, 'Jif Mt in tbm A^er
U taki swsy pnr Lifi : fo I defifted. Then thoie OpiSa^
bli Indians came to me again like Bears bereaved of thiic
\Vhelpf« iayinr, Sbafl vr ntfho bawhfiR^atiiMiiytkiEng^
lifo^fititf MB Sngnjb VwHt u U biMfd^mng ms .m. . Then
they beat me again with the Am : Than I repaatdihut
I had not fent two cr three of them out tf tha Uorld bf«*>
fore me, for 1 tho't that I had much rather dia than fttftr>
any longer. They left me the fecond time, Md the other
Indians put the Tomhake i| into my Hand again, and com*
pelled me to fing : and then! feemM more ralblute ibaa
before to deftroy fome of them ( but a ftrange and Itrong
Impalfe that I (hould return to my own Place &c PeopIc,fup*
prelVd it as often as fuch a motion roie in my Srealt. Not
one of the Indians fhew'd the Icaft Conipaflton : but Ifaw
the Teais run down plentifully on the Chceksof a French-
man that fat behind ; which did not alleviate theTorturea
that poor yantes and I were forced to endure for the moft
pait of this tedious Day ; for they were continued till the
Evening : and were the moil fevere that ever I met with
in the whole fix Years that I was Captive with the Indiana*.
••- After they had thus inhumanely abufed us, two Indians
took us up and threw us out of the Wigwam ^and we crawled
away on our Hands Sc Feet, & were fcarce ableto walk,&c*
for feveral Days. Some time after they again concluded
on a merry Dance, when I was at fome dillance from the
Wigwam drefflng Leather, and an Indian was fo kind as to
tell me that they had got James Alexander^ and were id
fearch forme. My Indian Mailer and his Squaw bid me
run as for my Life into a Swamp and hide, and not to dif*
cover my felf unlefs they both came to me, for then I might
be alTured the Dance was over. I was now mailer of theic
Language, and a Word or a Wink was enough to excite me
to take care of Oae. I ran to the Swamp, and hid in the
thickeft place that I could find. I heard hollowing and
whooping all around me ; fometimes they pafs'd very near.
The Tomlialce is a Warlike Club, the Shape of which may be fccn i:i
CJutti of Etoivphhsm, one of the four Indian ChieB| which C JC($ are com-
mon amongft us.
E and
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ind I coold hear fomc thrcateo, tod otfaers iUuer ipe^^'boc
1 #ai oot difpoiM to diince : aod if thay bad come upoiV
JM9 I refdT*d to fhow cbem a pair of Heeli, and they muft
have had ffood lock to have catchM me. 1 heard 00 more
of ibem till aboor Bveoing [for 1 tbiok 1 fleptl when they
came agaio^ caUiog (SboB^ Qb^n^ but Jifhn woold oot trutt
ihem. After thcy were gooe^ my Ut^L^Ltt and hii Sqoaw
caoie wheta they told me to hidei but could ]OOt find me \
and when I heard them fay with iovnt concern, that they
bcUav^d that die other Indians bad frightped roe into the
Woodi, and that I was loft ; I came our, and they feem'd
well pleased % and told me, chat Jamti had had a bad Day
of it ^ that aS'foon Vi% ha was released he xan away into the
Woods,8c they Itelic vM he was gone to xYitMohtiwhi, Jmuhs
foon returned, & gave me a melanchoDy Account of hisSuf-
ferings : and the Indians fright concerning the Mohawks
pafsM over. They often had terrible apprehenfion of the
locuiflon of the Mohawks ^* One very hot Seafon a great
A HciIg Co- Number gathered together at the Village ^ and being a very
mcdy with drooghty People, the)r kept Jam$s and my Mi Night and
%oiir Tra£c* Dny fetching Water from a Cold Spring, that ran out of a
^' rocky Hill about three Quarters of a Mile from the Fort.
lo going thither, we crols'd a large Interval-Corn* Field,
and then a Defcent to a lower Interval before we afcended
the Hill to the Spring* James being almoft dead as well
#yJ, with this continual Fatigue, contriv^J to fright the In-
dians : he told me of it,but conjur'dme toSecrccy,yet faid,
he knew that I could keep Counfel. The next dark Night
James going for Water, let his Kettle on the defcent to the
loweft Interval i and ran back to the Fort, puffing & blow-
ing, as in the utmoft Surprize ; and told hisMafterthathe
Jaw fomething near the Spring, that lookM YxkcMohawks :
[which he faid were only Stumps — afide] his Mafter being
a moft couragious Warrior, went with James to make dif-
covery, and when they came to the brow of the HxW^Jamts
pointed to the Stomps, and withal touched his Kettle with
* Tlicfc are called alfo Afa^as.SL moft ambitious.haughty and blood thirftf
People : from whom rhe ocherlndianstake theirMcafurei and Manners .-
ki.d (heir Modes and Changes of Drc(« $(o
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bit Toe. which gave U motion downHil),8nd it every turn
•f ihe&eide the Bail clattered | upon which Jama and
bis MaAer coold fee a M^tawk in every Stump on motion,
ggj tutnd t'sU S0^ and he was the beft Mm that eouM tun
fafteft. Tbii alarmM alt the Indiins in the Village. Thtjr
the* abooe thirty or forty in number, packM on Bag twd i
Baggage^ Tome op the River and othefi down : and did
not return under fifteen Days, and the heat of the Wea*
thtr being finely over, our hard Service abated far thisSea*' ,.
fon. I never heard that the Indians underftood the Occa**
fionof the Fright, but Jmiu and I had many a private^
Laoghaboet it.
But my moil intrmate and dear Companion wntoncjt^bfi ^ ...
Evans ^ a Toung Man taken from ^mbfch. We as often Sl^I^^V^-
as we couldi met together, and made known our Grievan* ^j,jVhi>J)U*
ces to each other, which feemM to eafe our Minds : but f^ciiln» *(^
when it wai known by the Indiani, wc were flridHy csa* Ui:Mh flee*
mined apart, and falfely accured,that we were contriving ia
delert | but we were too far from the Sea to have any tho^c
of that : and when they found that our Story agreed, wo
received noPoniftimenc. An EnglifhCaptive Girl about this
time, (who was taken by Mcdscawand^^y would often falfely
accufe us of plotting to deferc, but wc made the Trufh fo
plainly appear,that (he was check'dand we rckafed* Bue
the thIrdWinter of my Captivity, he went into thcCountry,
and the Indians impoled a heavy Burden on him, tho' lie
was extream Weak with long Tafling : and as he was going
off the Upland over a Place of Ice which was very liollow
he broke thro*, fell down & cut his Knee very much, not-
withdanding he travelled for fome time : but thcWin J and
Cold were \o forceabte, t hit they foon overcame him, and
he fat or fell down, & all the Indians pjiV'J by him : fome
of them went back the next Day after him, or hisPatk,aTid
found him, with a Dog in his Arms, both frrzc as iliff a^
a Stake. And all my fellow Captives, ^^clt difpcffcit and
dead : but thro' infinite Sc unriftcritedMA Gondncfs I waa
fupported under, and carried thro' all Diflicuhies.
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C H A P. W
. Of further Diffadtia mtd Deliveraneei.
Sfcr I. . C\^^ Winter 11 «^c mttt tnw\n% from Fkoi to Plict,
CH a ncir e- Vi/ ottf Hpo^cri l(HlM fofiie Moofc i and one lying fome
T^^j. '^*"" Milci froip o^ir Wigwama) a Young lodiaafic my fclf wcro
iSi ^ oc<*<rcd to fqt^b part of Ic. Wo fct out in abo Moroiog
wbtn tho Wcatlicr wai promifingy but U proved a very
Colc)| Cloudy Day, \% was late in the Evening we t rrived
at the Place where the Moofe lay : fo that wenad no time
CO provide Materials for Fire orShelter. At the fame time
a Scorm came on very thick of SnoW| and continued fill
the next Morning. We made a fmall Fire with what little
RubbiOi we could 6nd around us, which with the heat of
our Bodies melted the Snow upon us as fall as it fell, and
fiird our Cloaths with Water. Neverthelefs, eaily in the
Mornings we took our Loads of Moofe* Fieih, and fee our,
in order to return to our Wigwams : We had not travelled
far before mv Moofe-Skin Coat C^hich was the only Gar*
nient that I bad on mv Back, and the Hair was in moft
Places worn off) was froze ftiffround my Knees like aHoop,
M likewife my Snow-(boes & Shoe-clouts to my Feet ! Thus
I marchM the whole Day without Fire or Food 1 at firil I
was in great Fain,then my Flefli numbM,and I felt at times
cxtream Sick, and tho*t I could not travel one foot further i
but wonderfully revivM again. After long travelling I felt
very drowfv, fit had thoughts of fetting down i which had
\ 1 done, witnout doubt I had falPn on my final Sleep ; as
my dear Companion, Evans^ had done before ^ for my In-
dian Companion, being better CloathM, had left me long
before : but again my Spirits revivM as much 9i% if I had
r received the richeft Cordial 1 Some Hours after Sun-fet I
recovered theWigwam, and crawled in with my Snow-O^oes
on. The Indians cryM out, fb$ Captive is froze to Death !
They took ofFmv Pack, and where that fay apinft my
Back was the only Place that was not frozen. Thelndians
cut off my Shoes, and ftript the Clouts from myFeet,which
were as void of feeling as anv frozen Flelh could be : but I
had not fat long by the Fire, before the Blood began to cir*
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ii9i{i tnl.l fin I'. V w /f. a4w lt> I lew t
cuUttt ind my pcet to my ADklci tomM blick| Be fwcftcil'J
with bloody BUItcr3| And were incxprc^bly painful Thf ^
Inditni fa id one to a not her ^ His F€i$ wilt nt^ attd h*tt dif,
NcvcrtJidcfj, I flcjH well at Nighn Soon after ihc SkUi
came off my Feet from my Anklei whole Jikc a Shoe^ in4
left my Toei naked wnhout a Nail* aad the ends of my
greac Toe* Bones bare^ which Eci a Uxi^c time tumM blacky
fo thai I wai obliged tocut ihc 6r(l Joint off with myKnifc-
The Ifidianigave meRags to bind up my FeetjScadvis'd mc
t5 apply Pir*baIfom,but withal raid^that they believed itwia
not worth while to uJe mcanr^ for I (houfd certainly die*
But by the ufc of my Elbowi and a Stick in each Hand, I ^
fhovM my felf on my Botcomi over the Snow/fom cneTren ^
to another, till 1 goc fomc Fir-halfomi then harn*d It In a^^
Uam-nicll till it w.i« of a confidence like Salve^and apply 'cf^
it 10 my Feet and Ankle*, and by the divine Btefling withla ^
fi Week I could go about upon my Heels with my Staff: And
thro* god's goodncfs^we had Ptovifian enough, fo that we
did not remove under ten or fifteen Dayi» and then iheln*
dims made two Jittle Hoopt fomcthing in PoimaiaSnow-
flioc, and fcizM them to my Feet : and I foIIowM them in *•
their Track on my Hce'i from Place to Place j fonieiime* *
half Leg deep in Snow &£ Watcr^ wlilch gave me the molt t,.
acute Pain imaginable, but 1 was forced to walk or die. . ^
But within a Year my Feet w:re imlrely well, & theNailf ^ ^^,,
came on my great Toes : fo that a very ciitical EyCjCOuM i*
fear ce perceive any part mifllngjor that they had been froze ^ ^^^^^ ^"
InaTimeof greatfcarcityofProvifionSjiherndlanschasM s^^-f^ u
a large Moofe into the River and killM him ; and brought ... By the
the Flefh to the Village, and laid icon a Scaffold In a large PaliofaScaf.
Wigwam, in order to make aFeaft. I was very officious in £'^/" "^y
fupplying them with Wood fc Water, which pleafcd them
fo well, that they now 8c then gave me a piece of Flefh half
boiPd Of roafte(1,which I did cat with eagernefs : and I doubt
without great Thankfuloeff to the divine Being, who fo
extraordinarily fed me 1 •••At length the Scaffold broke,
and one large Piece fell and knock d me on the Head [the
Indians faid that I lay ftunM i cunfiderable time] the fit ft
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I was fenfiblc of wis a mormoting Noife io my Eiri, iheii
my Sight gradually retorn'dy with an extream Pain io my
Head) which* was very much broiicd|and ic wai long before
I recovered) the Weather being very Hot
Srct. IIL ^ ^*^ once with an Indian fifliing for Storg6oo,tbetndlaa
-from drow*. dirting one, bit Feet dipt and turoM tha Canoe bottom op* &
f^iiv; hy the wardf^wich me under it i holding fall the Croil-bar (for I f
Vc^l^ ^ ^^'^ ^^^ Swim) with my Face to the bottom of tbeCanoe. i
^'^^ But 1 turnM my felf and bro't my Breaft to bear on the ^
Crofs^ bar : expedliog every Minute, that the Indian wouM
have towM me the Banic : But bi had c$l$r S^Jb u Fty! \
Thus I continued a quarter of an Hour without want of /
Breath, founding for Bottom, till the Current drove me on \
a Roclcy Point, where I could rea<hBottom ; therelftopM I
and turnM up my Canoe. I look'd for the Indian, and he f
was half a Mile diftant up the River. I went to him^aod .
atlcM, Why be did not tow me to tbeBank, fteing he Itnew
that I could not Swim ? He iaid he knew that I waa un-
der the Caaoe, for there were no Bubbles any where to be
leen, & that I Ihould drive on thePoint : therefore he toolc
care of hia fine Sturgeon, which was eight or ten Feet
Sbct. IV. — -Fifliing for Salmon at the Faii of about fifteen Feet of
Another In- Water, there being a deep Hole at the foot of the Fail ; the
J^^P^ Indiana went into the Water to wafli themfelvea, & asked
from drown- ^^ ^^ B^ ^^ ^^^^ v}^tm. I told them that I could notSwim.
««• They bid me firip [which was done! and dive acrofs the
deepeft Place, and if I fell (hort of the other fide,they faid
they would help me. But inftead of divmg acroft the oar*
roweft, I was crawling on the bottom into the deepeftPlace :
but not feeing me rife, and Icnowing wbere-abouu I was,
by the bubliop; of the Water i ^ younc Girl, dove into the
Water, and feizing me by tlie Hair of my Head, drew me
out : otherwife I had perilhed in the Water f. i
t Tho* both Male wad Female iiiair be in the Water at a Timei diey have
each of rbem mocc or lefi of their Qoaths oo^ and bebare vaib the ut-
tnoS Chafiity tod Modeftjr. k*f t
Digitized by
^Uect the liuliaaViJt«ge,tliid been cutting WMd,and Sicr V.
WMbiAdiog it op with «o Iiidi«»>lCop« io order to carry it |^ '^X P"*
to tbeWigwaiD,whea • iloat, ill-utoc'd youngFellow sboot *;om'*i^in(
aoTetra of Aft, threw me bickward,(«c on myfifealt,and Murdued.
pelling ooc hi* &Dlfe. feid that be wooM kiJJ me, for he had
never yet klU'd |o Bioglilh Ftrfeo. 1 told him that he
flrifbt go to War, and that woold be more Manly, thin to
kilia poor Capt' * • • ■ - -
me .
from otf me CO hit Beck, & lollow'd him with my Fill and
Knee To, that he prefeotlv laid he had roough i but
when I Taw the Blood nm & felt the Smart, I at him again
and bid him getop end oot lie there like a Dog, — told him
of hit former Abofea oftrtd tome & other poor Csptives,
and that if everbe o&rcd the like tomeagun, Iw'oTild pay
him dooble. I feat hhn before me, took up my Burden of
Wood,& came to thcladiamand told them the nhoteTrutb ;
and they commended me : And I doo*t remember that ever
be ofiered me the leaft Abafe afterward } tho' he was big
enoogh to have difpatched two of me. I pray GOD ! I
may never be forgetfbl of hit wonderfnlGoodnefs I and that
thefe Inilancti may excite othert in their Adverfitiei to
make their AddteiTtt to the Almighty » and put theirCon-
fidence in Him in the ofe of proper Means.
OfremarkabU Events of Providence in the Deaths of
feveral barbarous Indians,
THE Priett of thfi River, was of the order St. Francis, Sect. I.
a Gentleman of a humane, generous Difpofuion : in Tl»e Deaths
bis Sermons he moft feverety reprehended the Indians for "'' '•«>•« S*'
their Barbarhies to the Caprives : he ivould often tell them, VZ iShiis
that, excepting their Errors in Religion, the EngRfl, were mtmioS
a better People than themfelves ; and that God would re- Ch.ll.Seait
matkably punilh fuch croel Wretches, and had begun to
Digitized by
f »o)
Account I
I A Splin*
execute hii Vengeance upon fuch ! ^ He gave in
of ehc Retftliarions of Frorideitce to IhofemtirderoOiCi^r
SMMe Indians nbove mentfoned. Oho ^f whom rin A 8pl
Eer intfl his Foot, «h!ch feftcr*d and rotttd hU FIdh CiU it
IcUlM him. Another tan t Fifl)*bonelAf6 horflafkldrAmit
«ffd fhc rotted roDtath^notwithftandiDgillMetfislliacwerc
uftd. In Tome fuch manner thejr all Aed; fe thac tiOC 0110
of chofe two Fimtliei lived to return bonir/ 'Wefricnw
for this Remark of tho Frieft, 1 fhcuU) not| pffUope^ figvb
made the Oblervation.
There wx$ an old Sqoaw who ever endfivoorod to oot-
II, do Jll others in Crtielcy coCpptives. VVherd- e¥€r (bo camo
Bar- into a Wigtvanii where any poor naked ftarved Captiirek
O*** were fitting near the Fhe ; if they woie grown Perfoil^,
fhc would privately take up a Shovel of hotCoals,& throw
them into their Bofom ^ or Young One», (he woold uke by
the Hand or Leg^ and drag them thro^ the Fire 6tC. Tho
Indians according to their Cuftom left their Village in the
Fail of the Year und difpcrfed ihemiiilTeifor Hunting^aod
after the firll or lecond removal, they all ftrangely forgat
that old Sqtiaw and her Grandfon about Twelve Years of
Age. They were found dead in the Place where they wer^ -
left, fome Months afterward, and no further notice taken
of them. This was very much obfervedby thePrieft) and
ferm'd grange to all that heard it, for the Indiana were ge«
nerally very careful not to leave their Old or Young 1
In the latter part of Summer, or beginning of Autumn,
SftT. 1IL the Indians were frequently frighted by the Appearance of
J;^£^* J^j'fi'^'^ftrange Indians pafltngup & down this River inCanoei,and
*'"""'^ '"^ about that Time the next Year died more than One Hun*
dred Perfons of Old & Young : all or moft of thofe that
faw thofe ftrange Indians ! The Prieft faid, that it was a
fort of Plague. A Perfon feeming in perfedHealch^ would
bleed at the Mouth & Nofe, turn blue in Spots, and die in
two or three Hours [It was very tedious to me who was
forced to move from Place to Place this cold Seafon. The
Indians applied red Oker to my Sores, which by GOD's
Blefling cured m&j The Indians allfcattered, it being at
Digitized by
the word tJWimcr cim^ on ; and the Bfow wii fa gf e at rhtr
the Ifidiani did not Scale orPUnt at the VrlJagc while I wit ^
00 the River, and I know not whether iKey have lothiiDay! ^
Befoce they thai dcfcrtcdthc Village, when they cam* *
Jn from Htiming, they would be druok and fight forfcft*
rai Dayt md ^^ghtl toe cihcf , till they had fjpent fiw^ t>f
thelf Skim in Wine & Brandy, which »viff brooght to tha
Village by a French Man, eali'd Monficur Sliimiff€ir.
•fttfi Uw » *in G " A F# V«
OfthcirFamiUmHy n^hb^iyFri^ksfrom tbcDevil &c#
THE Indiani arc very often forprized with the Appea- - -
raucc of Ghofti & Demons i and fometimet cncoa- ^ ihcjr P<k
raged by the Devil, far tbcy go to him forSuccefs in Hunt- wmring. ll
ing &CC. I was once Hunting with Indians who were not
brought over toibe Romifti Faith : and after feveral Dayi
Hunting they propofed to jnqu]rc,according to theirCuftom^
what Succcfs ihcy Ihould have. They accordingly pic pa-
red many Hot-Stonet, and laid them in an heap, & made
a fmall Hutt covered with Skins &c Matti, and then in the
daik Night two of the Powaws went into thii Hot-Houfe
with a large Veflcl of VVatcr,which atTimes they poured on
tbofe hot Rocks,which raifed a thick Steam, To that a third
Indian was obligM to Hand without, and life up a Matt, to
give it vent when they were almoft fuffocated. There was
an old Squaw who was kind to Captives, and never join*d
with tbem io their Powawing,to whom I manifefted ao ear-
neft defire to fee their Management : She told me, that if
they knew of my beins there,they woold kill me, and that
when (he waa a Girl, ihe had known Toung Perfoha to be
taken away by an hairy Man : and therefore (he would not
advife me tago,left the hairy Man (hould carry me away. I
told her that I waa not afraid of that hairy Man, nor coold 1
he hurt me if (he would not difcover me to the Powawa. \
At length (he promifed that (he would not, but charged me \
to be careful of my felf.— -I went within three or four Feet 1
of the Hot-Houfe, for it was very daik, and heard ftrange
G Noilea
Digitized by
Noif^f &L YeUtngSf Aich as I never heard befare. AcTimei
the Inaan who tcnrlcil without would lift up the Matt,»nd!
a StMinrife up, which looked ij^ke Fire in the dark. I Uy
th^rc two or three Houri, buc law none of their hairy M^n
or DcmoDi : And when ifnund thanhcy had finiflhcd tbflir
Ceitmony^ I w^qc to the\Vrgwam,and told chcSquaw what .
had pa^*'^* whaiiras glad that I returned without hurt i and
never dlfcovcf *d what I had done. After Tome time, inquiry/
wii made, what Succcfi we were like to have in our Hunt-
ing I J The Pdwaws faid, that they had very likely Slgoa of
SQCcefs, but no real, vifibtc Appearance m at other Times.
A few Days after, we moved up the River, and had pret*
^ ty good Succcls*
One Afcf moon fli I was in k Canoe utth on« of the V^
waws, the Dog barkM^ nml prcfcntly a Moofe pals'd by,
within a few Rods of us, lb that the Waves which hemad^
by v^ading roli'd our Canoe | the Indian fhot ac him, but
the Moole took very litcte notice of it, and went into tht
Woods to the Southward : the Fellow lHid> Vll try if 1 cmh*$
f$ukf^m back^ fcr ail y&ur bap. The Evening following,
wc built our two Wigwams on a Sandy Point on the upper
End of an I Hand in theRtver,Northweft of the Place where
the Moofe went into the Woods: and the Indian powawM
the greateft part of the Night following, and in theMorn-
ing we had the fair track of a MooiV^ round ourWigwams,
tho' we did not fee or tafte of it. *--• I am of 0pjumn,that
the Devil was permitted to huniour thoic unhappy Wret*
ches fomelimes^ in fome things.
Sect. II. ^^ Indian being fome Miles from his Wigwam^ and the
An Jnftancc Weather being warm^ he fuppofed the Hedge- Hogs would
of tht Devil's come out of their Den, he way*laid the Mouth of it till
Ind& ^^'' '^^^ ^'^ ^'ght. [See Chap. 6. Seft. 3.] They not coming
out a3 ufual, he was going home, but had not pafled far,
before he fav; a Light like a Blaze, at a little diflance be^
fore him, and darting his Spear at it, it difappeared^ then
on the Bank of the River, he heard a loud Laughter, with
a noife like a ratling in a Man'sThroat. The Indian railed
nt the Demon whom he fuppos'd made the Noife, calling it
a lottenSpirit of noSubftance&c. He continued to hear the
Digitized by
Noife and fee the Ligbc 'rijl h^ ciipe into the Wigu afr^
which he emred, in ms hunting Uabir^withSoow- (hoes aiut
all on j fo frighted, tt^at^ it was fonie (ime before he could
Cpctt to relate what h^d happened.
That it may further appear how much they were deluded, j;^^^ hj^
or under the Influence of flatan^ read cwo Stocscs nhSh x.^ |^|^
were related and heikved by the Indians, i^* 1 VMe%,
The firft i of a Boy who was carried away by ftlargeBfnl
called a G^Uh^s, who buildeih her Ne ft on an high RocJt; ^^J^
Of MoiHitaio« A Boy was Hunting with his Bow ik Arr<j*f ^^ mutn'd
at the Fool of a ILocky Mouauia, whca the Gulhua came by a GMikMM.
diving thro' the Air^ grarpM the Bov hi her Tatons ; and
iho* he wai eight .or ten Yoara of Age,^ <he foarM a lofty
aad laid bim ia her Neft, a Frey for heooung ; where the
Boy lay conftantly on hia Face, hont would lookfomeeimei
under bia Arms and fa w awo Young Onet with much Fi(h
and Fleih in the Net, and the old BMconftantly bringing
more. So thai the yoone Ones "not touching him, the old
One dawVlhlroopend ut him where (he found bim i who
returned, and related the odd Brent to his Friends. As I
have, to a Canoe, pafii'd near the Mountain, the Indiana
have faid to me, Tbitf is tb9 Nijt $fth9 gttat Bird tbaf car^
riid thi Boy 4msf : And there feem'd to be a great num-
ber of Sticka put together in form of a Neft on the Top of
the Mountain. At another time they faid ; 3'bir0 is lbs
Bird^ but b$ is mw^ ms a Boy u a Gianf^ to what bt vas in
former Days. The Bird which they pointed to, was a large
fpeclcled Bird, like an Bagle, tho' fomewhat larger.
The other Notion Is, That a young Indian in hisHuntlng Qf aBoy tfwt
was belated and loft his Way, and on a fudden he wai In- was emcr-
troductd to a largeWigwam full of dryM Ecls,which provM tjin'd by a
to be a Btaver's Houfe, in which he livM till the Spring of *'«^"'-
theYear,when he was turned out of the Houfe, and fet up-
on aBeaver-Damm,and went Home, and related the Affair
to his Friends, at large.
When from the Mounlain-Topf, whh hideous Cry
And clattering Wings the Hungry Harpies fly :
They Snaich'd '
*— And whether Gods or Birdi obfccne they w€rc,
OurVwifbr Pardou and for Peace prefer i?»y^w% Vlrt;.
Digitized by
A Defcffpthn of feveral Creatures eommouly taken
by the Indians on St. John's Riven
i »
*^. 1 T Tfi^S Bi^vit hif a very tbkk firoof Neck, bit fore
OfihV Mfs- ^ Teeth, which are mo In the upper and cwo in the
unUtf J4w, are concaVe and ftiarp like a Carpenter*»Googe.
TMir fidc-Tecth are like a Sheep's, for che^ chew theCod.
Their l.fgs ire (hari, the Clawi fomeihinif longer than in
other Crcdcurrs i the Naili on the Toei of their bind Feet
are flat like an Ape'i, but joinM logeiher by a Membrane
J3 ihofe of Witer Fowl, their Taili broad and flat like the
broad £nd of a Faddlc. Near their Tails they have foor
Bnttlcs, two o^ which ceocain Oil, the other Gum, the
neckf of thefe meet in one common Orifice ; the latter of
ihele coDeaio the proper Caftorum, and not tbeTefticlei,ai
feme have fancied, for the Tefticlei are diftinA ficfeperate
from thefe, in the MaleionJy ; but the Caftorum and Oyl«
Bottlci are common to Male and Female. With this Oyl
and Gum they preen themfelvei, To that when they come
out of the Water it rum off them, ai it doth oflF a Fowl.
They have four Teara, which are on their Breafti, fo that
they liug up their Young, and fuckle them, aa Women do
fhcir Infancf. They have generally two and fometimei
foor \n a Litter. I have feen feven or five in the Matrix :
bi}t the Indians think it a ftrange thing to find To many in
a Litter, and they afTert, that when it fo happens, the Dam
kills all above four. Thevare the moft laborious Creatures
chat I have met with. I nave known them to buildDamms
acrofs Rivers which were thirty or forty Perch wide, with
Wood & Mud, fo as to flow many Acres of Land : in the
deepeil part of a Pond fo raifed, they build their Houfes
round in the Figure of an Indian Wigwam, eight or tea
Feet in height, and fix or eight Feet diameter on theFloor f
which it made defcending to the Water^ the Parta near the
Center about four, and near theCircumference between ten
and twenty Inches above the Water : Thefe Floors are co*
vered with ftrippings of Wood likeShavings ^ on thefe they '
deep with their Tails in the Water, and if the Frefliitsrile
Digitized by
they hivt the idvantflge of riCng on ihcirFlaftr lotheklgli*
elt pare* They feed ou the Lcives ma Baikof Trccitftftf
Pond- Lilly- Rooti. In ihc Fall of the Year ihcy Uy 'In
tbcii PfoviGoo for the approaching Winter i cutting down
Tfcei great and fmalf, with one end in their Mouchs they
drag their Branches near to their Hottfei and fir^k many
Cordi of U, [They will cot down Trees of a Fathom iu
Circumference J They hive Door* co go dowo to the
Wood on dec the Tce^ and In cafe the Pre (hits iift^ )>reak
down and carry off their Store of Wood, they ofcen ^^mt.
They have a Note for conveifing* calttng & warning each
other, when atWorkorPeeding ; « while they are at Labour
they keep out a Gtiard| who upon the fifft iippfotch of an
Enemy lo ftrikei the Water with it*j Tail, that he may be
heard half a Mile j which fo alarms the reft, that they are
alt fltcnt, quit their Labour, and are to be ftcn no mora
for that Time. And If the Mate or Fctntlc die, th« fur-
vivingreekf a Mate, and conduits him or her lo their
Houfe, and carry on Affairs as above, - —
hi itdoat/ ^fl
The IVi^htfin \% a very fierce an<f mifchievout Creature: Sict, IL
about the bignefs of a middling Dog, hiving (hort Legs, Of the IT*/-
broad Feet, & very Iharp Claws ; and in my Opinion may ^^'^'
be reckoned a Specie* of Cats, They will climbTrees,and ^
wait for Mnofc and other Creatarcs who feed below, and
when an Opportunity prefeiits jump and Arike their Claws
in them fo faft, that they will hang on them *tillthcy have
gnawM the main Nerve of the Neck afunder, fie the Crea-
ture dies. I have known many Moofe killM thus. 1 was
onee travelling a little way behind fcveral Iridiin!, &hca d
them Laughing very merrily : when I came to them^ they
ftiew'd mc the Track of a Moofe, and how a fy^tverhshnd
climb'd a Tree, and where be had jumped off upon the
Moore i and the Moofe bad given feveral large Leap9,and
happening to come under a Branch of a Tree, had broke
the tVyh$fin*% hold and tore htm off : and by his Track in
the Snow, he went off another/^witb (hort ft eps, as if he had
been ftun d with the Blow. The Indians who impute fach
Accidents to the cunning of the Creature, were wonder-
fully pleafed that the Moofe fliould thus out- wit the mif-^
chievous H^^lvtrin f
Digitized by
( 16 )
Thcfe U^olursBSj go into Wigwams which hive been left
for iuy TifWy fcitcer the Things abroad ^and mod filthilf
ilKiIluie them with Ordure. . I have heard ihe ladiani fayt
iltiac ihey have bai'4 their Cum from under their HeiclH
.while they were aflcep ; and left them Co dcfil'd. Ao In-
dian told WfCf that having Icfc his Wigwam with fundry
ThiDgi on tbeScaffold^aimopg which was » Birch-Flaik
with iiiv^ai Pcuoda oif Powder in it ; At thejrrecufQ they
jwere (nuftbrurpris'd and gcicv*d, for a light Snow had fah-
JeH) and a IVoh$f\n yifiti tbeir Wigwam^ mounts the Scat-
fold, and»-^U> plundering, heaves down Bag & BiigMge ;
the Powder- happened to/a)l into the Fire^ which fiJrd the
H^^lvifim^t Byeif and threw him and the Wigwam fome
Rods. At laog^h they iound the blind Creature rambliog
backward and forwardi had the ratisfaAion of kicking and
heating him about, which in great meafure made up the|r
Lofi : and then they could contentedly pick uptheiiUten*
fill} and fig out their Wigwam 1
Sect. III. Our Midgi-H^g or Urcbin is about the bisnefs of a Hog
Ofthe^fii^t' of fix Months old, his Back and Sides and Tail are full of
H0i, fh^rp Quills, fo that if anyCreature approacluthey will con-
tra^ ihcmfelvea to a globular Form > if a Creature attack
them, thofe Quilla are fo (ha'-p and lofe in their Skins that
they flic in the Mouth of theAdverfary and leave their own
Skin. They will ftrtke with great force, with tbeir Tails ;
fo that whatever Alls -under the la(h of them, are certainly
fill'd with their Pricklea : But that they (hoot their Quills,
as fome aflfert they do, is a great miilake as to the^aim^j/v^
and t believe as to the AftUan U$dgi-Ihg or Porcupitn
alfo ; as to the former I have taken them at ail Seafonsof
the Year. See Chap. 5. Sed. a.
Slot. IV. It is needlefs to defcribe the frefli-water forfoife^ whofe
o( the 'Yor- Form is fo well known in all Parts: but their way of pro-
''>' pagating their Species is not fo univerfally known. I have
obferved that fort whofe Shell is about fourteen or fifteen
Inches wide : in their Coition or Treading they may be
heard half a Mile, making a noife like a Woman wa(hing J
her Linnen with a batting StafiT— . They lay tbeir £ggs in
Digitized by
the Sind ; aear fome deep ftUIW4ter,tb3Ut a Fo^t beneath
the furface of the &^ni They are verycuribus to cover-
ing chem with the Sand^ fo that there i| not the leall mix-
tare of it amongft them ; nor the leaft rifirigof SMi'dfwM^
Betth where they He : I have of^en fearch if for Ui<m witfi
the Indian), by tharfting « Stick into the Sand, ab:>at the;
Beech at random, and brought tip fome part of an figjf
clingfng to it : and uncovering the Place h^ve found near
an hundred 6c fifty in one Keft. BDth their Eggi & Plcfh
are good-Batine when bofi'd 8tc. t have obferved a diffe-
rence as to the length of Time which they are hatching,
which is between twenty & thirty Payi, fon^e foOner than,
others : Whether this difference ought to be Imputed to the
various Quality or Site of the Sand in which they lay C^s to
it's cold or heat &c.) I leave to the Conje&ure of theVir-
toofi. — As foon as they were hatch'd, they broke thro'
the Sand and betook themfelves to the Water, as far as I
could difcover, without any further Care or Help of the
Old Ones.
Of the SaJmw I (hall only note, that they come from the Sect. V.
Sea earKr in the Spring, to the frefli Rivers j and with great Of the Stt-
pains afcend the Falls, rill they come to the Heads of the """•
Rivers i where the Water runs riffling over a coarfeGravel
near fome Pond or deep ftill Water : there they workHoles
to lodge in, and in the Night refort to them,by two & two,
the Male with his Female ; thus lying together the Female
ejeds a Spiwn, like a Pea j the Male a Sperm like Milk,
which fink among the Gravel. 1 have often been filhing
for them, with a Torch in the Night, when the Water hath
been To (hoal that they have lien with their Backs & Tails
above the Water : and if our Spear mifs'd it's ftroke, the
Filh darted at,would flutter & alarm the whole Shoal, (tho*
it confined of a vaft Multitude) which immediately repair-
ed to the deep Water, and return'd not in plenty for fcvc-
ral Nights. When the Leaf falls thev have doneSpnvnin:
and return to the Sea.
Digitized by
( »8 )
c Ha R VII.
Of tkir Fi^fimi^ 6rc.
Saet I 1 A/ ^I^N the IndUni determine for Wir, or are fjjttf-
Oiikdr W i'^f *'P^'^ * pitikuUf Eipetlj[ion» they kill a ngm*
Fctfltnj; Ik^ ber of their Dogf, buro ofFcheir Heir, aod cue chcm mto
fore ihcj^ go plecci i leaving only one Dog^s Hcid whole % the reft of
ooi i^W^t. (he FIcfh they boiJ^ and make i fine Feaft of it : after which,
the Dog^s Head thatwa^Iefcwholeiifcorch^di 'till theNofe
lod Lipi have fhrunk from the Teeth, and left them bart
•Off grianing i thii done i they fatten it on a Stick, a art
the Indian who ti propafed to b€ Chief In the Eicpediclon
takei the Head into hli Hand and (ings a Warlike Song :
in which he mentions the Town they deftgn to Attiick,and
the principal Man in tt^ threatning that in a few Days he
tvjll carry that Min'i Head and Scalp m hU Hand, in the
fame manner. When the Chief hach Sung, he fo places
the Dog'i Head as to grin at him whom he fuppofeth will
go his Second : who, if he accepti, tikei the Head in his
Hand and fingf, but If he refufe to go, he turns theTecth
to another j and thui from one to another 'till they have
Inlifled their Company.
The Indiaat imagine that Dog** Flefh makes them bold
and courageous \ J have ft^n an Indian fplit aDogSHrad
with a Hatcher, and take out the Brains hot, and eat them
raw, with the Blood running down his Ja\i^5 !
Sect* IL When a Relation dies ; in a dill Evening, a Squaw will
Of tfidr ^aju^ pn x\it higheft Land near her abode, and with a loud,
rhcDwd^and"^^"*^^'"'^' Voice exclaim, Ob bawi^ ba'-^t^ i^:£/r, witha long
Feafl aftcrif ttiotirnfu) Tone to each baive^ for a long time together-
After the mourning Seafon is over, the Relattona of the
deceafed make a Feait to wipe ofif Tears ; and they may
Marry freely. If the deceased were a Sqaaw,theRelaiion8
•coofult together and choofe a Squaw (doubtlefa a Widow)
and fend her to the Widower ; and if he like her he takea
jier to be his Wife, if nor, he fends her back ; and the
Relations choofe and fend 'till they £nd one that he approv-
eth of.
Digitized by
('9 )
If I young Fellow dctcimlncito marry,hijRcUtionsant1 J^^^;^^''''
the Jtfwt idvift kirn to a Gir) : and rhe young Tcllowgocs Accoimt of
Into the Wigwam where (he is, and looks on her j and Uhc thcirjdarria-
]ikes her, he tbfleth a Chip or Stick into her Lap, which Ihe fie*. _
takes, and with a referv'd, fide^Loek views thcFafon who »'^'^^ ^=^**"'
{cut it i yet handlcth the Chip with Admiration, as cho' flic
•wondred from whence it came. If flie likes hjin,fl^c throws
the Chip to him, with a modeft Smile j and ihen no-
thing is wanting but a Ceremony wUh the Jefuit to con-
fummate the Marriage : Bot if theyoungSquaw diOikcthe
Fellow, ihe with a furly Countenance throws thcChip afide,
and he comes no more there*-^-**
If ^Parents have a Daughter marrigeable ||, they feck a - OfaD^a'-
Husband for her, who is a good Hunter. And li he have '^^*
a Gun and Ammunition, a Canoe, Spear and Hatchcc ^ a
Monoodah ^ and crooked- Knife, a looking- Gla is & Paint;
a Pipe, Tobacco and Knot- Bowl to tofs a kind of Dice in,
he is accounted a Gentleman of a plentiful Fortune.
[By iheir fort of Dice they lofe muchTime, playing whole "^
I)jys and Nights together : and fometimes their whole
Ertate : tho' this is accounted a great Vice by the Old Men* j
Whatever the new-married-Man procuresthe firft Year be-
longs to his Wife's Parents. [ If the young Pair have a ^
Child within a Year and nine Months, they are cho*c to be
very forward, libidinous Ferfons.]
There Is an old Story told among the Indians of a Fa* Sect. IV,
mily, who had a Daughter that was accounted a 5nifhed A Drgrcfllo'i
Beauty, and adorned with the precious Jewel of an Indian cfnuaiEiing^ii
Education ! So formed by Nature and polifhM by Art they n^""^;^*
could not find for her a fuitableConfort ! At length, while mft^cd^^byTa
they refided on theHead oiPenobfcot R/v^r,under the White- Demon.
Hills called the Teddon^ this fine Creature was miffing j and r^,9^ ^Jj?
her Parents could have no Account of her. After much eaij-d'^the
Time fpenr. Pains, and Tears fhow*red in queft of her ; JtAdon, &c
A Virgin who has been educated, tomalccMonoodah's and BirchDiflic.s
to lace SnoMT-Shoes and make Indian Shoes^ to firing Wampurn'Bclrsll v/
Birch Canoes, and boil the Kctde^ is cftccinM as a Lady of fine Ac con •
A AUnoodMh is an Indian Dag.
I they
Digitized by
ihey faw her, diverting her fdf with « beaurifbl Touifc,
ivhoCe Hair like her's flowM down below b is Watte^ Swim-
ing, Wafhing, &c. in the Water ; but the Youthf vaoiflied
upon their Approach ♦. Thif beaiitiful Perlbo,whom they
imagined to be one of thofe kind Spirits who inhabit the
Ttddjn ; they lookM upon him as their Son*in-Law : fo
that (according to Cuftom) they called upon him forMooff ,
Beifj or what ever Creature they defired, and if they did
but gci to the Water<>fide and fignify their defiie, the Crea-
ture which they would have, came Swimming to them 1
1 have heard an Indian fay, that he lii'ed by the Rivar
at the Foot of the Tiddon^ and in his Wigwam, feeing the
top of it thro' the Hole left in the top of the Wigwam for
the pafltng of Smoke, he was tempted to travel to it : ac-
cordingly he fet out early on a Summer'sMorning, and la-
boured hard in afcending the Hill all Day, and the Top
fcem'd as diilant from the Place where he lodged at Night,
as from the Wigwam whence he began his Journey : and
concluding that Spirits were there, never d4ire make a fe-
cond Attempt.
I have been credibly informed that feveral others bare
faird in the fame Attempt : particularly, that three young
Men towr*d the T$dd4n three Daya and an half, andjhen
began to be ftrangely difordered &cdelirious,and when their
Imagination was clear, and they could recoiled where they
were, and had been ; they found themfelvcs returned one
Days Journey : how they came down fo far, they can't
guefs, onlefs the Genii ottht Place convey M them! Thefe
White Hills at the Head of P$nobfcot Kivif^ are, by the
Indians, faid to be much higher than thofe, cali'dy^/arjfc^-
cboikj above Sgc^.
Where nowr, in his divinefl Form array'd,
I>i his true Shape be Captivates the Maid ;
Who gazes on him, and with uond'iing Eyes
Bcho!c3$ the new majcftick Figtirc rife,
His gb\%ing Features, and cclcftial Light,
And all the god difcovcr'd to her fight. EurcpA*s 'Rsipc.
Digitized by
But to return to irf IndUh Fcaft, of which yMrmaf re- g^^^
' qucft I Bill of Fare, befbre' you go ; and if you dtfl.Jce ic o> Coeoi
Itay at Home. The Ingredients are Fifh, Flelh^ or liidiart ^<A%.
Corn and Beans boiled together^— *, ot Hafty^Pudden made
of poundecf Corn : Whenever and as often as thee are
plenty ; an Indian boils four or five Urge Kettles full, and
fends a Meflenger to each Wigwam- Door; who exclaimi,
Kuh Minfioin%b0h / I c. / t9fn$ to cpndult y$u t9 a Ftajf :
The Man within demands whether he mull tdke, a Spoan, ' ?'
or a Knifs In his Difh which he always carriti with him.
They appoint two or three Young Men to Mcfs it out, to
each Man his Portion according to the number of hit Fa-
mily at Home ; which is done with the utmoftexa^nefs*.
When they have done eating, a young Fellow flsnds with-
out the Door, and crys aloud Jlfri^9i»;7i^0jl, Come & fetch !
Immediately each Sqtiaw goes to her Husband and takes
what he has left, which (he carries Home and eats with her
Children. For neither married Women nor any Youth
under twenty Years of Age are allowed co be prefent :
but old Widow*Squaws and Captive Men may fet by the
Door. The Indian Men continue in thtWigwam/ome re-
lating their Warlike Exploits ; others fomething Comical ;
others give a Narrative of their Hunting ; the Seniors give
maxims of Prudence and grave Counfels to thcYoungMen :
, tho* every ones Speech be agreable to the run of his own
Fancy, yet they confine themfelves to Rule, and but one
fpeaks at a Time. After every Man has told hU Story, One
rifes up. Sings a Fcaft-Song, and others fucceed alternate-
ly as the Company fee fit. Spct, Vt
Their CKtrji'
Neccffity is theMother of Invention, If an Indian have ^^^7„,,
loft his Fire-Woik, he can prelently take two Sticks, thCji, *Virfard
- boiiing ibtif
♦ What I-oni of old wouM bid Im Coolc prepare,
Mjngoe^, Porargo, ChnrrpignoiM, Cavarc ?
Or v^ou'd our ihium CJaj j/d Anccdors fiiKj fi'}lt
For uant or Tcn-f, or Spoons for Salt ?-
W^Serc c.Vy thinj; ih.t cvVy Soldier pot.
Fo*l, Bacon, Cabbage, Muctoii, and what nor,
Was all chroMn iiuo Bsmk, and kci:; :o Px.
Ar: of Coot fry.
Digitized by
I i i f l l lW IIW
one harder than the other (the drier the better) indlo the
Ibftell mikc an Hollow or Socket^ to which they'll fit ooo
cnA of the hardclj Siicjc j then holding the foiteft Wood
fiun between their Knp«t i they fix the end of the hiird
Stick nnde fit inrothe Socket, an.l whirl it round io their
Hand like a DiHl^ and it tajc^i Fire, in a few Minu^ei.
If they have loll or ipft their lietile, 'cii but putting the
Vidtwaty intoa Bicch-Dilh,leaviog« vacancy in the middle,
filling it with Water, aad pitting in hot Stones ahernately :
ancl they wi^li thgs thio'iy boil the tougheft Neck of Beefe
Of my three Tean Ofptitity mtb the French.
\7^1 ^^^ about C% Years of my doleful Captiviry had
tion among and my firft Indian Mailer difputed
the Jndian^()e ; and fome malicious Perfons adviled them to end the
^Smtrttx^^"^^^^ by putting a Perioii to my Life : but honcftFather
ir.c to the Stmort^ the Pried of the River, told them that it would be a
French. heinous Crime, and advifcd them to fell me to the French.
There came annually one or twoMen of War to Supply the
Forr, which was on the. River about thirty four Leagues
from the Sea : The Indians having Advice of the Arrival
of a Man of War at the Mouth of the River, thfy, about
thirty or forty in Number went aboard : For the Gentlemen
from Frarsce made a Prefent to them every Year, and fet
forth the Riche5 & ViiStories of their Monarch &c. at this
Time they prcfcnted aBag or two of Flour with foniePi uncs,
as Ingredients for a Fcaft. I, who was drefs'd up in an old
greaiy Blanker, without Cap, Hat or Shirr, ( for I had no
.Shirt for the fix Years, but that which was on my Back
when I was taken) was invited into the greatCabbin, where
many well riggM Gentlemen were fitting ; who would fain
have had a full view of me : I cndcavouied to hide my fclf
behind the Hangings, for 1 was much alhamed ; thinking
of my former weaiing Cloaths, and of my living withPeo-
Sfct. I.
Of a Contcn
rir.^ aoouf \X% scars oi my aoicrui wap^iviry naci
part, my fecond Indian Mailer dyed, whofe ^quaw
' firft Indian Mailer difputed whofe Slave I fliould
Digitized by
: :» M a A^5^ ^' :i /w/ :cij ^iq T
^fe wholcMAdrlgg it i!»e1>«f AniUftiifthem;^ M) MaHer
liked k€f tWbtClielr Icfiothtoii fold tboiid the Man of
Wtf^'br'td thtlnhlbhtnts r ' IrtMted wiiVTejrt, 1 (houM *
be glidll ]roa wofUM fell me tn the'Et^fli Uttk whom yoit 1
cook Mi^s l>dt If] miift be fold io the Fcertth;^ 1 chdole to '
bifc fl0)d't#|ibe kHftreftbniheRiveri or neareft InhabUanc ^^
idthe6Mi|*bo^fw«nty*llM Leiguetf'Ofn the Momhcf -*
theHhrer : fbrl ihh'ty tliit, if I w^ni (bid to' ^he Gentle^ •
mien ibotrd the fAM of Vfwt^ I fh6aldbmr teturn to rhe
fingnfl}. ' ThU v^ai rhe fiiA^ight I htdof gale Waterlnmy^
Opthrtty, and the ftrft tlrob that 1 Mid tafted Sill or BreadJ;'
My Matter tirifentljr went ifliorei and aftier a few Diyi S&er. IT,
all the Indiam weot op the RHrer ; and when we came to Of nty bem^
the HMfe Whkh) mentioned to mvMafteri hewentaOiore f^nA
with me and tarried all Night : the MaQer of the Hoiile •
fpake ktddly to me In Indian, for I ccvM riot then fpeax . ^ : f
one Word of Fremh : Madam alfo looked pieallint on me,
and gave me feme Bread* The next Dly I was ieot fit
Leagoei further up the River to another French Hoofe.
My Matter and the Fryar tarried withMonfieerDarlMij^Siir,
the Gentleman who had entertained oi the Night before. •
Not long after,Father Sim^B came and faid. Now you are
one of ui| for you are fold to that Gentleman by wnbro you •
were omeruio d the other Night ' I rcplkd > t^-fiold I ^^
toa Frenchman I — * I could fay no more ! — * went into
the Woods alone and wept till 1 could fcarce iee or (bnd !
The word Soid^ and that to a People of that Petfwafion,
which my dear Mother fo much detetted, and in her left
Words manifeftrd fo great Fears of mv falling into I — » the
Thoughts of thefe almoft broke my Heart ! When I had
given vent to my FalHoos, I rub*d my Eyes, endeavouring
to hide my Grief : But Father SimoM perceiving that my
Eyes were fwoln^called me afide ; and bid me not to grieve :
for the Gentleman to whom I was ibid was of a good hu-
mour, that he had formerly bought two Captives of thein*
dians,who both went home to B^ft^n ; this in fome meafure
revived me. But he added, that, he did not fuppofe that
I would ever incline to go to the Engliih, for the French
way of Worfliip was much to be preferred : alfo, that he
K Ihould
Digitized by
(houfd pift tbct way io^bdnt ten Dtvt, tod if I did ooC
lilte 10 Jivtwitb the FurocbbetccMMB witb.tlMliHfitM^
he w«aid ^07 m» «g«Ui.: Oa Um P«y folloir)0g, F«!tbfr^
J!fw#« tod, my lBdl«(v MaAtq went vp ibt B^^rtx fittjcilfiriy/
Lca|Ot«» to thtir Cbi«f ViUt§e, and 1 weot d/»WQ tht IjLirj
vcr fix L^agnei wiib two Vraocbmen to iny pew Mailer :.
Who Idfidlj i«^v*d .jne, ,aod in o/e w Dejra Madam ffu^do <
m« an Osa«bri« Shirt «od Proocb Cap, and a jCpKWMof .
one of oqr Maiaf't old Coatfi tb«o 1 throw awa)r>in9>t
7 - I S^csfy Blaolut pod ladian Flap, and look*d at fmfnt»t>^rr»
Aod I aaver minora faw.tb« old Fryar, the Indiaa Vtiloget
or fliy Iqdiao Maftfr, jjilk obooc fourtoeo Yeajri after Ij
iaw toy Indian Matter at Ptrt-Rffoi whither I waafeotby
. the C<lv«rAn>eot» , wi»b a Flag on Trooe. for enbanfing
I Priuooeft.:,andataio about twenty foorYear^fince be csaie.
frotjm lA. y^l»**.to Gf9rg9*$/%o fee me, where I node him irery :
StcT. 111. My French Mailer held a :greac IVado with tbo lodiaiMi
or nj Bm. which ibited ao very well, I bebif ihotow io tboLaagiMget
pioymcw a. of the Tribe* a« Ctfi <SM^s and St. Jth»*$. 1 had . not
pJ2ciil ^^''^ ^0*% ^^^ (!>•< Gentlcnun beftiro hecomittitted loflMi
the Keye of bit Store He eHod my whde Employ m ent waa
Trading and Htrnting^in which I a'dedftitbfiitiy for my
Mafter, and never knowingly wrong'd him to the valae of.
one Farthing. They fpalee to me fo fccqoemly In Indian, <
that it was lome vioae before I war. perfinft io tlw Aencb
Tongue. Monfieor generaUy had hit Ooodt from theMas :
of War which came there annoally from Frawi.
In the Tear i6p6 two Men of War came to the Momb
of the River, which had teken the Mr«*FMV,C8pt. Pimum
CcoMMnder, aod brooght him with them : They made the
Indians Tome Ftefents, and invited them to join In an £«-
pedhion to P««MMfiM'i, which Invitation they accepted^nd
fooo after arrived there } end Capt. CMb \ delivered the
I Th* mcvcrcnd Or. JMbr fayi wimlv ( m ht find «vcfy tUur )
«« Tbi* OmM fcwd Opeommiiy in a pmtv QMji, mmmr. to fill
** the faRKKM E^irtmtt & Jji K f O i, a couple of principal lodian<»wiili
** one or two other IndiaiM, on a Loni*« Day, the fixteenth of A-
«« hmmf itf95 V tlMc «cte oiw laiair DeriiDK in dw AAioa of
•« OoM, then «UI be another Aimrv. not fi» off, wherein the A-
« venger of Blood wiU take their Sattibaioa tfjf. tfJU. B. B. 7- ^7^
Digitized by
Fort. wKbotttinQch dUpmtMMoo&^wDfhntl iheirCbklf^r
M 1 nmtA tlwOttiltrauofiilF wham 1 Jived with» wbfr wii
there prefwl I** Eiriy in tne Sprtog I was fcnt^^Ub three
Frenchmeo, to the Mooth of the River, foi Provifiornffhlch
c«me from PiN'BJyML We cirried over Land, from the
Riv^r to t Urge Bay, where we were driven on ao Ifland
by a M'orth-KaA Stormy ibA were keoc there fcven Diy^
without any Sodaoaiice, for we espeded a quick FafTage
and cariied tiolbUig with m ; the Wind conEinuing boille*
rooi, fo thic i^ coold not return back,tad the Ice prevent*
ed our gdog fbjrwird t Alter fcven Daya the Ice broke up^
and we went fcflrwarif, tho*" we were fo weak thai we could
fcarce hear each other i|ieak ; and the People at iheMouch
of the River were fiirprised to fee us fo feeble i and ad vlftd
OS to be cautioos fie abftemious in eating. By ihii Time, I
knew as much of Faftiog as they, and dieted onBrotb,and
recovered very well, as al(b one of the others did i bat the
other two would not be advifed : and I never faw anyPer-
fons in greater Torment than they were, till they obtained
a Paflage*«»oo which they recovered.
I Friar who lived in theFamily invited me toConfcffion, J*"l ^^:
I excufed my felf as well as 1 coold. One Evcnine he !flr!^'
but I excured my felf as well as I could* One Evening m ^^^ ^^a^
took me into his Apartment, in the dark, and advifed me whUe I m
to confers to him what Sins I had committed : I told hhn, smoog tbqn.
that I could not remember e tboufandth part of them
(they were fo numerous:) Then he bid me remember and
relate as many as I could, and he would pardon them ; fig-
nifying that he had a Bag to put them in. I toM him that
I did not believe that it was in the power of any but GOD
to pardon Sin. He asked mc, whether I had read the Bi*
ble ? I told him that I had when I was a little Boy, (6
long fince, that I had forgot mod of it Then he told me^
that lie did not pardon my Sins j but when he knew them
^ Oar Isft quoted Author fays, on the fourth or fifth ^'iAugBf^ ChM with
an unaccountable Bafenefs did Surrender the Brave Fort of PtmmsfM
into their Hands.
^ Unthbkbg Men no fort oT Scruples make ;
** And (bme are bad, only for Miichief^a fake ;
V But ev\i the Bcft are guilty by Miflake.
Digitized by
heprajred GOD to pardon them : whea, perh^pi 1 wii it
my Sparti i^nd Plaft.»*He wifh*d me well, ind hopcflthac
1 (hniild be better advifed, and faid that be Ihouldcall for
mv in a licUa Time : Thhiaiii( dUmilild .v)4 Mycr callM
flic to CoafciHon m^rTi . f^^di V ijitH.I/ yth i i j^^f^ •
The Gentleman vvhem I lived with had a fine Field of
hr^rHp^ij^ Wheat, which great oumbeii of Black Birds, vificed i and
H.iu»r oK dcftroy'd much of. But the French laid a Jefuit would
libck air4». come and bantOi them ^ who came at length, and all things
were prepared, viz* a Bafoa of, what they call, Holy-Wa-
urr, ; a Sta^with a little Bruth to rprinkle withal, 8c the
JefuiiV white Robe, which he put on, [ 1 ask*d feveral
Frifonerf, who had lately been taken by Privateeri
and brought hither, viz. Mr* ff^aoJ^trry^ Ocisy&C Morraw^
whether they would goandreetheCeremany > Mr.^^i-
hitff aikM me, whether 1 defigned to go > I told him that
1 did He faid, chat I wai then as bad aPapid asthey,and
a d**nM Fool. I told him that I believ'd as little ot it as
they did, but I inclined to fee the Ceremony, that I might
rehcarie it to the Englifh,} They entred the Field and
walkM through the Wheat in Proccfli^n, a young Ladgo«
ing before the Jefuit vvifh a Bafan of their Holy 'Water ;
then the Jefuit with his Brufli, dipping it into the Bafon,
and IprinkHng the Field on each ftde of him ; nt%i him a
>-^ ^ - _^ little Bell tingling, and about thirty Men following irj order.
Singing, with the Jefuit, Org pro Nbh y atthe£nd of the
Field they W^cclM to the Left about, and returned. Thus
they went through the Field of Wheat, the Birds rifmg be-
fore them and lighting behind them. At their return I
raid to a French Lad ; The Fryar hath done no Service,
-*He had better take a Gun and (hoot theBirds. TheLad
left me a while (I tho'r, to ask the Jefuit what to fay) and
when he returned, he faid, the Sins of the People were fo
. j^eat,that theFryar could not prevail againfl thofeCreatures.
The famejefuit as vainly attempted to banifh theMufchetoes
at Slgtnt^o^ for the Sins of that People were fo great alfo,
that he could not prevail againft them, but rather drew
more : as the French informed me !
Digitized by
Some Time after Col Hamkrti attempted the taking the Sfcr- V.
freeck F^rt »P«b>»iJUver ? wc beard of them feme time '*»«•
before they cape up the Rivet, by the Gwrd that Govw- t ""'n^*^
C^eQeo^)eip«fl.Who«iX liirftd.With wai gone toFramet j and ihe t«ti»g
Mad«fpA(l.fA^4 W^ n)»»*-iShe thea defired me to nail ih« /•«'"«»**
Paper oatiJe Door, of w HoufcO, coataiolng flsioi:o«i: . ,
/ $»ttt4$tbt Qtmt4l fftb4 Bflglifh « 7 (» iuTK mi H. «/> pit,}
54r«, mrd*fi*ff tnyCmk. ■ Idti'tfupprfi tbet facb ajtyA-.,
wjr, r0m« «(p »i>/< Kiv9r t$ 4tfir«y a fiw JHbabitams i bm farCi
tbi Ftrt abovt w, / iavtjbfw* K'nJni/s to. tit CnotifliCap-' •
tivci as w« w$rt Capseifat^d, and i>avt hu^bt tv Ctpttvtt of"*
tbt Indiant •ndf«»t th^m /# B(>ften : end bdve 0»t h6w » $k'
M,4nd b«Jballi» al/bttbtn a ctmvtiiitat Opportumty prtftnt$^'*
snd b0 defirts it, ^ *..
This dope. Madam faid to me j ... '^.,.:|„(»-a
" LittU EMgliJb i W* have A«wa yoo Kindnefs ; and..
♦ oow It lies in yow Power to ferve or differve ua» aa yon
know where our Goo4* arc hid in the Woods, and that f
« Jftf«/?Mr is not at Home. I could have Tent you to the .
•* Fort and put you under ConHoeraent, but itty Refpeftt
« to yon, and aOiirance of your Love to us j has difpofed '
me to confide in you, perfwaded that you will not hurt
US nor our Affairs. And now if you will not run away
** to the Englilh who are coming up the River, but ferve
« our Intcrelt, I will acquaint Moafitur of it at his return
« from Fr4HC0, which will be very pleafing to him : And
« 1 now give mv Word, that, you (hall have liberty togo
«. to Bofionon tte firft Opportunity (If you defiie it) or
« that any other Favour, in my Power, (hall not be de-
" ny d you .
I replied j " Madam ; It is contrary to the Nature of
" the Englifh to requite Evil for Good. I (hall endeavour
!! ^ ^'.T y°" •'i^ y**"' Intereft. 1 (ball not run to the
« Eneli(h i but if I am taken by them, (hall willingly go
with them, and yet endeavour not to di(rcrve you either
•• in your Perfons or Goods".
U The Place where our Houfe ftood, was called Haf,mfa<k, twenty-five
Leagues »rom the Rivers Mouth, a$ before noted
L This
Digitized by
Thif faiil, We embirk*d lad went ta i large Boit aa4
Ctnoe two or three Mttci up in Biflern^ Branch of ih«
River ibic comei from t lirge Food : ind in ibc Evenifig
frot down four Hindf to mikc difcovery j ind white they
were feicing In the Hoiafc the Englifh fQrroQDded tt and
took one of the foar i the other three mtde their efcipe,
io the dirk, through the EngUfh Soldierly and came lo iit|
■iid gave 1 farprising Accounr of Affiiiri, Agiln^ Madam
did to me, ^^ LmU Engltjb ^ Now you can go from ut^
** boe 1 hope you will rcmeniber your Word ! '* I fa id,
^' MmdAm^ Be oot concerned ; for 1 will not leave yooin
" this Strait". She faid, *• I know not what to do with
** my two poor little Babes I " I faid, ** MaJam^ the
** fooner we embark and go over the greatPond the better **
Accordingly we coibarkM and went over the Fond. The
ntxt Day we fpake with Indians, who ( ^trt in a Caooe
and') gave tis an Account that SigimH^^T^wB wu taken and
bornr. Sooo after we heard the great Guot atGovernour
Viiib^uhVoa^ which the Englifli engag*d fevcral Dayj^
kiird one MiOy and drew c^and went down the River ^
foi it wai fo lace to the PaJ), that bad they carriod a few
Daya longer, in the Rivera they woold have been froaelo
for the Winter. Hearing no report of the great Gana fee
feveral Dayt^ I with two others went down to our Hoofe^
to make difcovery— : where we found our young L4id who
was taken by the Bnglifh when they went up the River :
For the ^neral was u> honourable thar,on reading theNote
on our Door, he ordered that -the Houfe and Barn fliould
not be burnt, nor their Cattle orotherCreaturet kiUM ; ex-
cept one or two, and the Poultry, fer their Ufe : and at
their return, ordered the young Lad to be put alhore.
Finding things in thisPofture,we returned and gave Msdam
an Account: — She acknowledged the many Favours which
the £ngli(h had (hewn her with Gratitude ; and treated me
with great Civility. The next Spring, M$nfitur arriv'd
from Franu in the Man of War ; who thanked me for my
Care of his Affairs, and faid that he would endeavour to
fulfill what Madam had promifed to me.
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And accordingly in the Ytar i698,thc Peace being pro* pf ^
cliim'di and a Sloop come to ihe Moath of the BJ?er^i9lth teafcriMrol,
a Ranfom for one Mcbati O^ms | I put Moofietir in mind nim t& my '
of bif Word ; I told him that thero wai now an Opportu* fncnd$.
nity for me to go and fee the £ogU(h. HiadvUed me ro
tarry, and told me that be would do for me u for bii own
See* I thank'd him for his KiAdnefi, bat chofe rather to
go to BfffiffM^ for I hoped that I had fome HelatiooJ yet
alive. Then be advifed me to go up to th^ Fort and take
my Leave of the Governour : wblcJb I dld^ mnd he fpske
very kindly &c. Some Dayi after I took mv Leave oi
Madam » MonGeur went dowD to tb« Mootb oi tbt River
with me to fee me fafe aboard, aid aiked the Mafief^Mr.
Starkti^ a Scotch Man^ whether Imuftpay formyPaflage ?
if fo, he would pay it bimfelf rather chan I &oold have tt
to pay at my Arrival at B^jfaj9, but gave me aot a penny*
The Mafter told him that there wai nothing to pay, aa4
that if the Owner fhotitd make any Demand, he would pay
it himfelf rather than a poor Prifoner (hould fuffcr, for ht
wai glad to Cm any Bnglifti Ferfon come out of Captivity*
On the tUMMfc of J^^^ I took my leave of Monfieor,
and the Sloop came to Sail for Boficn ; where we arrived
on the M4&aMii of the fame at Night, In the Morniiig
after my Arrival, a Yo^th came en Board^ndaiked many
Queftioni relating to my Captivity, and at length gave me
to undcrfland that he wai my little Brother, who was ae
Flay with fome other Children^ and upon hearing the
Guns and feeing the Indiani run, made their efcape to the
Fort, and went off with the Captain and Per^ple : and that
my Elder Brother who made his Efcape from the Parm^
whence I was taken, and our two tittle Sifleri, were ative^
and that our Mother had been dead fome Tears, &c. as a*
bove rclarcd. Then \\t went aOiorc, and faw our Eldet
Brother 6cc
On the^ l|coiu1 of Augufi 1689, I wai taken, and
on the wmimmtt^ of Jt^ns 169S, arrived at Moflcn i
To that I W3S abfeiit eight Years ten Months and tawMn iS
Days r In all which Time^ tho* I underwent extream Diffi^
cullies i yet I (aw much of the Goodncfs of GOD.
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At^- . «: M«f tiu( nAJft MMMlaj »d beocficeot Bii m o, Jkc^dC
(T »: of thbpabOcfcrTliAiniofiyof it, and bleli.iny Bkj^^-
the infiAM^ilMill of JJE^VS CHAIST 1, oV v' > : . ,
i;.' .. .;:< v.? >6 i, - . ., ..., u\ - ,, ^.^ ., _., ^, , ; ■ j ; :£ . • , ,
< ' ill 1 J. iHi joJ > ". ■; ;; -..-it ;■•'':■• \' '
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• 4
' *. i
. •*
^ in* , ..
*•♦ . - '
'^^ u :. /lit A
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Containing Minutes of the Employ-
ments, Publick Stations &c, of
"i^fobn Gyles, Efq^ Commander of the
'^' Garrifon on Jf, Georges RhtK
J ! ft !
J -Vt
|Fter my rciam ootof CiptivUy JtiMi 28/6.16981 1 apf^tlvd
ray felf to the Governmeat for their Ftvouf — . Sao[i
after I wii employed by old Father Mtuhd of Msldiw^^
to go hii Interpreter on Trading Accoant to Si, Jpb^i
Oil&hr 14. 1698, I wai employed by the Government | Lieut.
Governour Stouohtok Commander in Chief^ to go Iticerpreter, at
f^r« P0und$ per Month, with Mijor Onvtrfe^ and old Ctpt. Aidn$^
to Pimbfiet to fecchCaptivei —at our return to£«^jf#ji I was difmUi^d*
But wlthla a (f^J^^V* ^^^ Oovernour feat for me to Interpret •
Conference wxiWEommazan and other Indians then In Goal.
Somctiincafier I wai again put in Pay in order to go Interpreter
with Coi^J^tttipi and Capt. Sautb4€k\n the FroYlnce Galley to Ca/l^
Say^ to Exchange faid Indians forEnglifhCiptivei. D^ambtr 1698^
we return'd to Bojlon with fevcrat Englifh Captives, and 1 wat flil-
mifsM the Sefvice, and deOred to attend ic In the Spring* I plead*
ed to be kept in Pay that 1 might have wherewith to fupport me at
School-*- I went into the Country to Kowkj (where Boarding wai
cheap) to pra&ice what little I had attainM at School
Match 1699. With the little of my Wages that I coutd referve, I
paid for my Schooling & Board, and attended the Service upon Ke«
queft ; and waa again put into Pay, and went with Col Pbilltps and
Major Cmviffi in a large Brigantine upiCrife^rcJtKivtr^forCapctves :
and at our return to B^ftni^ the Province Galley being arrived from
NiwT^rk with my Lord Bellemoht, and the Province Truck put on
board, I was ordered on board the Galley ; we Crtilftd the Eafiern
Shore : And tn N^virnhn 1699, ^ ^^^ P^^ ^^^ ^f Pay,tho^ I pleaded
to be continued under Fay feeing I mull attend the Service in tho
Springiand be at confldcrableExpence in theWInter for my Schooling,
M In
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A P P B U D i X
In the Spring 1 7003 I attended the Service & was pot inloPiy*— .
«7'*' of /^«^«j?-.-Ofder$ from the Govcriimcat to bttiW a Foft ic
C^'^ fitf;^ which was fiiiUhed O^pbtr 61 A, and the Province^Tiuck
landed and 1 ordered to refidc, 4s Interpreter^wich a Captain See. in
faid Garrifon. Not lofig after Govefn&iir Duplet fcot me 4 Lieo-'i
teaontt Commlflfion with Memorandum on the b^ck*^*' No furthr Pa f
Hi as' hterprtur at Three Founds per Mifntk ^f']Aj\\l
^^fi iQtb. tfoj. Tbe French and Indians befieged otir^Fdrt fix
Dayi, Major Marcb Commindtt : On the i6tb. Day of the fame,
Capt Smtback arrived Jn the Province Galley, and the Kight fol*
lowing the Enemy withdrew.
Maf i^th, 1704. I received a few Lines from Hit Excellency di-
refting me to leave my Foft and accompany Col. Cburcb on an Ex-
pedition round the Bay of FunJa. Septimbir following I returned
ID my Pod without any further Wagei or Encouragement for thai
Service than the before mentioned Pay at the Garrilon.
j4pril 1706, There was a Change of thcChief Officer at our Gar*
iiroo**1 chofe to be difmiri'd with my oldOfficer-^— which was granted.
1706, Hii Encellcncy Governour Dudlet prefenred me a Cap«
tain's Commtfiioo, and order'd ColSaU^nfiall to detach fifty effcdivp.
Men, to be delivered to me in order for a March— -*• V" *
May 1707 I encred on an Expedition to Pfri'B^yal^ Col. Marcs
Commander in Chief,- »at return difmirs^d.
JMkjp tz$k. 1708. 1 receiv^dOrden from Hit Excellency to go to
P^rS'K^yal with a FUg of Truce to exchange PrifonerS|and brought
ofTali— <at r«tttrn dirmilVd.
lf)o9« . I receiv'd a Commifllon, aad Coh Myii had Orders to de-
tach forty Men and deliver to me, in order to join the Forces for
Canada, At i/w//, yiugufi 1/, 1709, I received Orders from HlsEx*
cellency to leave my Company with my Lieutenant, and go to P^rl-
K$yal with a Flag of Truce to Exchange Prifoners,
k A Copy of which Defire or Order is as follows, viz,
** T Deflre you to Embarque on the Sloop Hannah and Rutb^ Tb9-
JL ** wtfi /Frf/rr5, Mafter, aFlagof TruceforPtfr/-R^ytf/,tQ whom
^* when you are on board, you will give Orders to Sail to Pprt^K^yai
*^ accordingly.
*^ At your Arrival there attend Mr* Sapirca/i the Governour, and
•* give him my Letter, withal acquainting him you havcNincFrench
'* Fiifoneri on Board, which are all that are in my Hands without
** refer ve» Receive his Dircftion for the Lunding of 'cm ; And let
" him
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.** him know that I cxpc^ he do mc a nfcc Jufticc fti (it t ting yott
*^ have all the Bnglifii FrifoDerj within hit Fewer, which yoti^aie to
*^ demand and infill on agreably cohisowopromUle Uliye^rbyyour
«* ftlfr Demand to have them forthwith gathered togciher/hac you
'* may fee and fpeak with them^ lod have them delivered tajf^oU}
*^ that you be not delayed. .►u^W- ""
** Obfcrvc to him my juft ReCeotmenC of his breach upon me^ In
*' not fending them early tbij Spring, according to hii parole of
** Honour the laft Tear by your fclfi when I returned him upwards
*' of Forty, and had made Provifion for the brioging home of mine :
** His detention of them then, puti me to a repeated Charge*
^^ I exped he Aipply what may be further neceflary for the SofH
^^ port of the Prtfoners In their Return^ at I have dooe for hit now, ^
" and at all times paft. . . ; . . . ; .i^^
^^ Let not your day there hi more than ^xJH^t, if polEUey't«d
** haften back with all imaginabte E»pdditioo. ' \
^* Be not by any means diverted from yourdeiiiaodiiAdespeA««
^^ tioo of feeing the Engliih Prifonera, and that yoobriitgttitnfitb
^^ you ; unlefs on your (peaking with them they are not williil| to
'^ come, but make their EleAion td be Tranfported elftwhcc^r^ »
" vou have feen done by your Govemoiir here. ' * • i^
^ I have ordered the Matter to attend your Orders. ^ He will
fliew you his Inftrudions, and I defire yoo will iee they be Arid^
Iv obierved, particularly in the Aiticle referring to-Trade^' end
the Government of hisCompany. I wilh you a pfefpeiMa Voyage.
" And am. Sir, >
'* Tour Friend and Servant^
y.DUDLSr. ^
*^ Make particular Inquiry after
*^ Capt. MyleSj and demand
^^ his and Company's Releafe.
" 7i Capt. John Gyles, Commlffion'd
" to Port- Royal.
Accordingly arriving at Port-Rojal^l was again kindly entertained
by Governour Superca/s^ & brought off above an Hundred Prifoners :
foon after my return our Forces were dlfmifs*d,and 1 receiv*d no fur-
ther conGderation for myService than Pay asCaptain of myCompany.
Augufi 17 15. I^was defired and had great Promifes made me by
the Proprietors, and received Orders from His Excellency, to build
a Fort at Pejipfcot. Soon after our Arrival there, the Indians came
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N D I X,
\ in the Nighty iod forbid our laying one Scone upon tnothtr. I told
them 1 came with Orders from Govcrnour Dudlet to baild a Fort,
m%d if chcy diflik'd it they might aquaint him ot it : and thai if thejr
cartie forceably upon Ui they or I fliouldfallon theSpot ; After fuch
like hot Words they left us^ and wc went on with our Building, and
finiflitd tt tiwimbif z^tb, 1715, and our Carpenters Sc Maroos left
' ut. My VVagei were very fmall, yet the Gentlemea-Propriefors or-
dered me only Fivi Pcundi for my good Service file.
Jii!j iztb. 1722* A number of Indians engaged F#r/ G§ori§ about
two Houjs^ kitl'd one Perfon, and then drew oCto killing Cattle be.
Affil 1725^ I received Orders from His Honour Lieut. Gover-
nourDuMMFR to go ten Daya March up Amimfc&nin River i and in
mj Ablence the Indians ktlfd two Men at our Fort ;-*• 1 received
00 further Pay for fa id Service,-'Only the Pay of the Garrifon.
Di€€mhir iztb. 1725. I was difmifsM from F^r^ Georgia andCapr.
tya0dfid0 received a Commiflion for the Command of that Place.
DiCimhif vitb. 17*5. 1 was CommifllonM for the Garrifon on
&. Qmri^h Kivir.
SepUmb^r 1726, I was detained Tome Months from my Poll, by
order of His Honour Lieut Cover nourDuwMERjCommander in Chief,
to Jnterpict for the Cape^SabU Indians^who were brought in & found
Guilty ofPiracy, there notbeingany other in the Province that had
their Language ; for which His Honour and the honourable Council
prefcntcd me Jrw Pounds j which I gratefully received.
N^viptbtr 28- 1728. I was Commiflioned for the Peace.
I have had the Honour to ferve this Province under eight Com-
mandert in Chicf^Governours and Lieut. Governours, from theYear
t^ifi^Si to the Year 1736. And how much longer my Service may
continue--*! fubmit to the Govcrnour of the World, who over-rules
every Circumftancc of Life which relates to our Happinefs 6c Ufe-
folocfs, as in infinite VVifdom He (ct% meet.
Be calm, my DcHus, and Serene, ♦ , ••
, However Forti^nc charif^e the Scene f
« In tby mell dejccL-fl 5 rare, ^
Sink noc mTdcnie^ith die VVe'ght ;
Kor yet when Happy Djys begin,
And the full Tide comci row ting in,
Let not a fierce gnrulv Joy ^ *
The fettled C^Mitt of thy Alind dellroy :
Hm^tvef Fertitne ^haxrgf fie Scifttj
£f taim^ r^jf DtliAs^ arid Sereui. HorjfC
ERR AT'UAf'. Page J lin^: 4 from fh^ boffom, founded h. p. 14. \.i6.r. ai I.
r. 15. 1 ;^ r. mimiriud. p. ij 1^6. r another ct^^ p. ^4. 1. 16. tor U r^fr&m^ p* 39.
15. r,aiHl. Iiiior iitkj,%oi^lilSot i^tr z%tk.li6. (or jfii. M81W37 for 17* ra(^.
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